
Creata pagina con 'Around the 1935 a new faceted Columbus Extra was introduced. The pen was a lever filler, and remained in production until the late '30s. The ...'
Around the 1935 a new faceted [[Columbus Extra Faccettata|Columbus Extra]] was introduced. The pen was a [[lever filler]], and remained in production until the late '30s. The pen was produced in three sizes, large, medium and small, identified by their initials as [[Columbus Extra G]], [[Columbus Extra M]] e [[Columbus Extra P]].<ref>from the italian "Grande" (big), Media (medium) and "Piccola" (small).</ref> It was produced in two version, with three rings or with a greek motif decorated band. The pen was a [[lever filler]], with a wheel clip, similar to the one used on the [[Doric]], and virtually identical to the one used on the [[Omas Extra|same name]] model produced by [[Omas]].<ref>although there are no specific documentary references, is a known fact that ''Eugenio Verga'' knew and had friendly relations with ''Armando Simoni''; the pens produced by [[Columbus]] and [[Omas]] have in many cases, materials and finishes virtually identical and because this many conjectures have been made, such as the fact that [[Omas]] may have produced for some times some [[Columbus]] models, or that the two companies have made joint purchases from the same suppliers.</ref>