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[[Image:Logo-Carter.svg|center|400px|Logo Carter]]
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Carter's Ink Company}}[[Image:Logo-Carter.svg|center|400px|Logo Carter]]
The ''William Carter Company'' was founded in 1858 as an ink manufacturer, and became the world leaders in this field at the end of 1800. In the mid of '20s they entered the fountain pen market, that at the time was in its full development. But after the great depression of 1929, which caused a sharp reduction in the fountain pen market, the company decided to stop producing pens and mechanical pencils in the early 30's.
The ''William Carter Company'' was founded in 1858 as an ink manufacturer, and became the world leaders in this field at the end of 1800. In the mid of '20s they entered the fountain pen market, that at the time was in its full development. But after the great depression of 1929, which caused a sharp reduction in the fountain pen market, the company decided to stop producing pens and pencils in the early 30's.
The pens produced by [[Carter]] were excellent quality, and they made in unusual colors much different than those of it competitors of that time. Because the short period of activity of the company, its pens are quite rare and quite sought by the collectors.{{Infobox_Brand|Carter}}
The pens produced by [[Carter]] were excellent quality, and they made in unusual colors much different than those of it competitors of that time. Because the short period of activity of the company, its pens are quite rare and quite sought by the collectors.{{Infobox_Brand|Carter}}
== History ==
== History ==
[[Carter]] was founded in 1858 in Boston by ''William Carter'', a stationer which began to sell inks produced by other under its own brand. Then he took some patents and started also his own production; the activity had a great success, so much so that in 1884 the [[Carter]] became the first world ink producer. A few years later, in 1888, the [[Carter]] was incorporated under the name of ''Carter's Ink Company''.
[[Carter]] was founded in [[1858]] in Boston by ''William Carter'', a stationer which began to sell inks produced by other under its own brand. Then he took some patents and started also his own production; the activity had a great success, so much so that in 1884 the [[Carter]] became the first world ink producer. A few years later, in 1888, the [[Carter]] was incorporated under the name of ''Carter's Ink Company''.
A metà degli anni '20, nel periodo d'oro dello sviluppo delle penna stilografica, la [[Carter]] decise di lanciarsi nella produzione degli strumenti di scrittura. Le modalità di questo ingresso non sono molto chiare: secondo alcuni la produzione iniziò con l'acquisizione di brevetti, materiali e apparecchiature di un'altra azienda fallita da poco, la [[Laughlin|Laughlin Pen Company]], secondo altri le penne venivano invece realizzate dalla [[De Witt-La France]], un produttore di penne i cui impianti erano vicini a quelli della [[Carter]], e che già produceva per la [[Laughlin]] e forniva penne per la catena di negozi [ Rexall].
In the mid of '20s, the fountain pens golden era, [[Carter]] decided to venture into the production of writing instruments. The modalities of its entry in the fountain pen marker are not very clear: according to some the production began with the acquisition of patents, materials and equipment from another company that recently underwent bankrupt, the [[Laughlin|Laughlin Pen Company]], according to others their pens were made by the [[De Witt-La France]], a fountain pen manufacturer whose facilities were close to those of [[Carter]], that already produced fountain pen for the [[Laughlin|Laughlin Pen Company]] and provided pens for the [ Rexall] stores chain.
Anche i rapporti con questa ditta non sono chiari, alcuni sostengono che la [[Carter]] acquisì la [[De Witt-La France]], altri che la [[Carter]] era semplicemente il proprietario del terreno su cui sorgevano gli impianti ed il maggior acquirente dei loro prodotti; la [[De Witt-La France]] infatti faceva da fabbrica di produzione per altri marchi (negli anni '30 si legherà alla [[Chilton]]). Il solo fatto che è stato confermato<ref>come mostrato in [ questo messaggio].</ref> è che la [[Carter]] è stato il produttore del marchio ''[[Superite]]'' e che ''David J. La France'' ha ceduto suoi brevetti alla [[Carter]].
Also the connection between [[Carter]] and [[De Witt-La France]] are not so clear, someone argue that [[Carter]] acquired them, others that [[Carter]] was simply the owner of the land on which their facilities stood and the largest buyer of their products. The [[De Witt-La France]] made pens for other brands (in the '30s they will bind to [[Chilton]]). The only fact that has been confirmed<ref>as shown in [ this] post.</ref> is that [[Carter]] has produced the ''[[Superite]]'' brand and that ''David J. La France'' and ''William P. De Witt'' assigned some of their patents (see [[Patents#Carter|here]]) to [[Carter]].
[[Image:1927-09-Carter-Pen-Inx.jpg|thumb|left|Pubblicità del 1927, con lo slogan ''You know the ink'']]
[[Image:1927-09-Carter-Pen-Inx.jpg|thumb|left|Advertisement of 1927, with the slogan ''You know the ink'']]
Le penne della [[Carter]] erano comunque di ottima qualità (con nulla da invidiare alle più famose [[Waterman]], [[Parker]] e [[Sheaffer]]), inoltre la [[De Witt-La France]] possedeva alcuni brevetti significativi: per una clip a molla molto funzionale e facile da produrre, per un particolare [[caricamento a levetta]] la cui escursione verticale veniva limitata da una sorta di guinzaglio, e per un efficiente alimentatore.
Anyway the [[Carter]] pens were of excellent quality (with nothing to envy to the most famous ones done by [[Waterman]], [[Sheaffer]] and [[Parker]]). The [[De Witt-La France]] owned also some significant patents, one for a very functional and easy to produce spring clip, then called ''[[Rocker Spring Clip]]'', ({{Cite patent|US|1350412}}), another one for a tethered [[lever filler]] system ({{Cite patent|US|1209978}}), that allowed to limit vertically the travel of the lever, and another one for an efficient feeder ({{Cite patent|US|1340277}}), all these features can be found on [[Carter]] pens.
[[Image:Carter-Flattop-Coral.jpg|thumb|[[Carter]]'s a leva]]
[[File:Carter-Flattop-Coral-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Carter]]'s [[lever filler]] [[flattop]] model]]
Anche l'inizio della produzione delle penne della [[Carter]] non è chiaro, alcuni lo fanno risalire al 1924,<ref>questo è quanto riportato [ qui] e [ qui], ma in questa ultima discussione si ripete anche la successiva data del 1926, riportata anche [ qui].</ref> quando pare siano comparse le prime penne commercializzate dalla [[Carter]], sembra comunque che queste fossero residui di produzione della [[Laughlin]], altri lo pongono nel 1926. Le [[The Carter's Pen|prime penne]] a marchio [[Carter]], vennero lanciate con lo slogan ''You know the ink''. Queste erano modelli ''[[Flattop]]'' in ebanite, dotate della caratteristica clip a molla brevettata dalla [[De Witt-La France]], ottenuti presumibilmente dai materiali ereditati dalla [[Laughlin]]. Le penne non avevano un nome di modello specifico, e venivano chiamate semplicemente [[The Carter's Pen]].
Even the production beginning of the [[Carter]] pens is not clear, someone set this back to [[1924]],<ref>according to what said  [ here] and [ here], bat this last one repeat the 1926 date, also reported [ here].</ref> when it seems that the first pens marketed by [[Carter]] appeared, but it seems that they were manufacturing residues of  [[Laughlin]], others set the beginning in [[1926]]. The first pens marked [[Carter]] were launched under the slogan ''You know the ink''. These models were hard rubber ''[[flattop]]s'', with the the [[De Witt-La France]] patented spring-loaded clip, probably obtained from the materials inherited from [[Laughlin]]. These pen did not have a model name, and they are called simply [[The Carter Pen]].
Nel 1927 la [[Carter]] introdusse una nuova linea di penne in [[celluloide]], denominata [[Carter INX Pen]], mantenendo lo stesso stile ''[[Flattop]]'' dei modelli in ebanite, ma realizzate in colori di grande impatto. Questi primi modelli erano prodotti in diverse dimensioni, con pennini di misure comprese fra la 2 e la 7, ed identificati da un numero la cui ultima cifra indicava appunto la misura del pennino. Vennero prodotti anche modelli da scrivania (ma in due sole misure, la 6 e la 2) e penne da donna con cappuccio ad anello senza clip.
In [[1927]] [[Carter]] introduced a new line of celluloid pens, called [[Carter Coralite Pen]] keeping the same ''[[flattop]]'' shape of hard rubber models, but using a set of colors of great impact. These first models were produced in different sizes, with nibs  measures between 2 and 7, and identified by a number whose last digit indicated the nib measure and the other the celluloid color. There were produced also desktop models (but only in two measures, 6 and 2) and ladies models with no clip, but with a cap ring.
[[Image:1930-Carter-Pearltex.jpg|thumb|Pubblicità dei [[Carter Pearltex|modelli]] in ''[[Pearltex]]'']]
[[Image:1930-Carter-Pearltex.jpg|thumb|Advertisement of the ''[[Carter Pearltex Pen|Pearltex]]'' models]]
Nel 1929 venne introdotto un nuovo materiale plastico iridescente, denominato ''[[Pearltex]]'' realizzato direttamente dalla madreperla combinata con la [[celluloide]] con un procedimento brevettato. Il materiale divenne anche il nome con cui venivano indicate le penne della [[Carter Pearltex|fascia di punta]], realizzate in diverse dimensioni con pennini di misura compresa fra la 2 e la 8 ed in diversi colori iridescenti, denominati ''Rose Petal'', ''Wave Green'', ''Cerulean Blue'' e ''Pearl White''.
In [[1929]] [[Carter]] introduced a new iridescent plastic material, called ''[[Pearltex]]'' made combining mother of pearl and celluloid with a patented process. The name of this material also became the name given to [[Carter Pearltex Pen|top line]] of pens. They were made in different sizes, with nibs in the extent of measures between 2 and 8, and in different iridescent colors, called ''Rose Petal'', ''Wave Green'', ''Cerulean Blue'' and ''Pearl White''.
Le penne della [[Carter Coralite|seconda fascia]] erano invece realizzate in celluloide, denominata ''[[Coralite]]''; anche queste vennero prodotte in diverse misure. Di nuovo la [[Carter]] si contraddistinse per lo stile delle colorazioni disponibili che andavano ben oltre le classiche ''Jade Green'' e ''Pearl Black'' usate dalla gran parte dei concorrenti, proponendo colori di grande impatto visivo: ''Blue'', ''Lacquer Red'', ''Red Black mottled'', ''Turquoise Blue'', e ''Squirrel Gray''.
The middle line pens were made in celluloid, still called ''[[Coralite]]''. Also these were produced in different sizes. Again [[Carter]] distinguished itself for the style of available colors, far beyond the classical ''Jade Green'' and  ''Pearl & Black'' used by most competitors, offering many new colors of great visual impact: ''Blue'', ''Lacquer Red'', ''Red Black mottled'', ''Turquoise Blue'', and ''Squirrel Gray''.
Per le penne di fascia più bassa la [[Carter]] continuò ad utilizzare l'ebanite, mantenendo però lo stesso stile e le stesse caratteristiche delle penne delle fasce superiori. Negli anni vennero inoltre introdotte variazioni stilistiche, come la presenza di anelli di rifinitura in testa al cappuccio o sul fondo del corpo penna, o l'uso di inserti colorati interposti nelle verette.
For the lower end pens [[Carter]] continued to use the hard rubber, while retaining the same style and characteristics of the higher price pens. In the years there were also introduced some stylistic variations, such as the presence of rings decorations in the top of the cap or in the bottom of the body, or the use of colored inserts between the cap rings.
Con la grande depressione del 1929 però anche la [[Carter]] si trovò ad affrontare la prima grande crisi del mercato delle penne stilografiche: vennero eliminati molti modelli e la produzione venne tagliata. A partire del 1930 vennero introdotte estremità affusolate per il cappuccio ed il fondo penna, con l'adozione dello stile ''[[Streamlined]]'' appena entrato in voga. Vennero introdotte versioni più economiche senza anelli metallici di rifinitura, mantenendo i colori delle linee ''[[Pearltex]]'' e ''[[Coralite]]''.
With the great depression of 1929 the company found himself facing the first major crisis in the fountain pen market: many models were retired and the production was cut. Starting form [[1930]] were introduced pens with streamlined cap and the bottom, adopting of the style just came into vogue with the [[Balance]]. There were introduced also some cheaper pen models with no metallic ring decoration, but keeping colors and shape of the ''[[Carter Pearltex Pen|Pearltex]]'' e ''[[Carter Coralite Pen|Coralite]]'' lines.
In questo ultimo periodo le penne sono di minore qualità, prodotte con materiali molto più sottili e di minor pregio. Nel 1932, in una situazione di crisi in cui il mercato delle penne stilografiche aveva subito una fortissima flessione, la [[Carter]] decise di concentrarsi sul suo prodotto principale, gli inchiostri, ed abbandonò la produzione, benché si potessero trovare penne [[Carter]] fino all'incirca al 1938, presumibilmente il risultato dell'assemblaggio dei pezzi derivati dagli avanzi di produzione.
In this last period, the pens were of lesser quality, produced with thinner and lower quality materials. In [[1932]], in a crisis where fountain pens market suffered a strong decline, the company decided to concentrate production on its main product, the inks, and left the fountain pen market, although it [[Carter]] pens could be found up to around 1938, presumably as the result of blending pieces of scrap derived from production.
I tratti distintivi delle penne prodotte dalla [[Carter]] erano l'eleganza, l'eccellenza tecnica ed un confezionamento di altissima qualità, comune a quello che aveva favorito il successo dei suoi inchiostri, che distingueva i prodotti dell'azienda. Essendo state prodotte per pochi anni le stilografiche [[Carter]] sono molto ricercate dai collezionisti, inoltre dato che la celluloide utilizzata nella produzione è suscettibile a facile scolorimento, i modelli in buone condizioni sono ancor più rari e possono raggiungere prezzi molto elevati.
The distinguishing features of [[Carter]] pens were elegance, technical excellence and high quality packaging, common to the features that had fostered the success of its inks. Having been in the fountain pen market for just a few years, [[Carter]] pens are much sought by collectors, also because the celluloid used in their production is easily susceptible to discoloration, the models in good condition are even more rare and can reach very high prices.
| 1857 || Nasce la ''William Carter Company''
| 1884 || La [[Carter]] diventa il più grande produttore di inchiostri del mondo.
| 1888 || Viene rifondata come società di capitali la ''Carter's Ink Company''
| 1924 || Vengono commercializzate dalla [[Carter]] le prime penne stilografiche
| 1926 || Introdotta la [[Carter Pen|prima linea]] a marchio [[Carter]]
| 1927 || Introdotti i primi [[Carter Coralite|modelli]] in celluloide
| 1929 || Introdotti i [[Carter Pearltex|modelli]] in ''[[Pearltex]]''
| 1932 || La [[Carter]] cessa la produzione di penne stilografiche
== External references ==
* [] Carter page on Jonathan Veley website
* [] Carter page on Bill Aker website
* [] Wikipedia page
* [] Discussion on Carter on Lion & Pens forum
* [] Carter page on Pen & Watch website
==Riferimenti esterni==