
nessun oggetto della modifica
Riga 1: Riga 1: −
[[Image:Tabo-Trasparente-Black-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Tabo Trasparente]] oversize]]
[[Image:Tabo-Trasparente-Logo.jpg|thumb|Logo Tabo Trasparente]][[File:Tabo-Trasparente-Flatclip-3V-BlackTransp-Sr-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Tabo Trasparente]] oversize]]
[[Image:1944-Tabo-Trasparente.jpg|thumb|A [[Tabo]] advertising]]
[[Image:1943-03-Tabo-Trasparente.jpg|thumb|upright|A [[Tabo]] advertising]]
The [[Tabo Trasparente]] model, whose production began around the late 30s (we assume around 1939, but the oldest advertisement found is 1941) was probably the most successful model produced by [[Tabo]], so that was widely advertised in many national magazines. It remained in production until the war period, albeit subject to some changes, particularly in the form of clip and on the cap decorations.  
The [[Tabo Trasparente]] model, whose production began around the late 30s (we assume around 1939, but the oldest advertisement found is 1941) was probably the most successful model produced by [[Tabo]], so that was widely advertised in many national magazines. It remained in production until the war period, albeit subject to some changes, particularly in the form of clip and on the cap decorations.  
Riga 8: Riga 8:  
==Technical features==
=Technical features=
The main technical feature of this pen is its depression filling system, a clear imitation of the [[Vacumatic]] one. The pens were also made with transparent body in order to display the ink level. The cap was screw closed.
The main technical feature of this pen is its depression filling system, a clear imitation of the [[Vacumatic]] one. The pens were also made with transparent body in order to display the ink level. The cap was screw closed.
Pens in this series were celluloid made, with gold filled metal trim and clasp, and a 14-carat gold nib, or finished in white metal and whit a steel iridium nib (for a possible autarkic version).  
Pens in this series were celluloid made, with gold filled metal trim and clasp, and a 14-carat gold nib, or finished in white metal and whit a steel iridium nib (for a possible autarkic version).  
===Filling system===
==Filling system==
These models were equipped by an original depression filling system based on the same concepts as the [[Vacumatic]] one. In this case, however, was not necessary to remove the bottom of the pen button to access the pumping button, but this was done through the end plate itself, which is coupled to a spindle screwed to the bottom of the pen. Unscrewing the bottom extended the spindle itself and then the bottom could be used to perform the pumping operation.
These models were equipped by an original depression filling system based on the same concepts as the [[Vacumatic]] one. In this case, however, was not necessary to remove the bottom of the pen button to access the pumping button, but this was done through the end plate itself, which is coupled to a spindle screwed to the bottom of the pen. Unscrewing the bottom extended the spindle itself and then the bottom could be used to perform the pumping operation.
[[Image:Tabo-Trasparente-Serie-Posted.jpg|thumb|Different [[Tabo Trasparente]] versions]]
[[Image:Tabo-Trasparente-Serie-Posted.jpg|thumb|Different [[Tabo Trasparente]] versions]]
The pens in this series were produced in three different sizes. There are also variants that have different clip version, the first was the classic arrow clip of [[Tabo Mentis]], the only maintained in the subsequent period. To this one was added a brooch shaped plate clip, used in older versions, and a curved triangular terminated clip, with an arrow relief outline.
The pens in this series were produced in three different sizes. There are also variants that have a different clip version. The first version is the classic arrow clip of [[Tabo Mentis]], the only that was maintained in the subsequent period. To this version was added a brooch shaped plain clip, used in older versions, and a curved, triangular terminated clip, with an arrow relief outline, used in a later time. There are also different versions for the cap band, a band between two rings, a single thick ring, and three thin rings.
The models with shaped arrow clip were associated both with decorations with three thin ring on the cap or with a greek motif band between two thin rings. The body and cap were slightly tapered and ending in a conical shape both for cap bottom than the end of the body. The clip was inserted in the cap by joints, as it was done in a single piece. Although they were considered the oldest, their presence in more recent advertising casts doubt on the history of these style changes.
The models with shaped arrow clip were associated both with decorations with three thin ring on the cap or with a greek motif band between two thin rings. The body and cap were slightly tapered and ending in a conical shape both for cap bottom than the end of the body. The clip was inserted in the cap by joints, as it was done in a single piece. Although they were considered the oldest, their presence in more recent advertising casts doubt on the history of these style changes.  
Seguendo la tendenza stilistica della [[Vacumatic]] vennero anche prodotte (ma sono considerate successive) versioni caratterizzate da decorazioni metalliche sulla cima del cappuccio e sul fondello, dotati di ''[[jewel|tasselli]]'' conici del tutto analoghi a quelli presenti sul famoso modello della [[Parker]]. In questo caso la clip era montata a vite sulla sommità del cappucci grazie al tassello stesso. Questi modelli presentano solo la decorazione a tre verette sottili sul cappuccio.
Following the [[Vacumatic]] stylistic trend were also produced some versions featuring metal decorations at the cap and barrel ends, with conical [[jewel]]s entirely similar to those found on the more famous [[Parker]] model. In this case, the clip was screw mounted on cap using the [[jewel]]. These models have only three thin rings as decoration on the cap.
[[Image:Tabo-Trasparente-Anellata-Inscr.jpg|left|thumb|A [[Tabo Trasparente]] inscription]]
[[File:Tabo-Trasparente-FlatClip-3V-RingedGray-Sr-Inscr.jpg|left|thumb|A [[Tabo Trasparente]] inscription]]
Negli anni '40 venne mantenuta solo la versione con fermaglio a freccia, tre verette sottili e cappuccio e fondello con ''[[jewel|tassello]]'' e decorazione metallica. Su tutti modelli era riportata sul corpo l'incisione del marchio ''Tabo'' in carattere minuscolo di dimensioni più ampie, sovrastante la dicitura ''trasparente'' in carattere più sottile. A fianco del marchio, rispettivamente a destra e a sinistra, venivano riportati di dati del brevetto del sistema di caricamento con le diciture ''brevetto'' e ''n. 375925'' riportate in caratteri maiuscoli (sempre di piccola dimensione).
In the '40 was maintained only the arrow clip version, with three thin cap rings and [[jewel]] and metal decoration. On all models was engraved on the pen body the ''Tabo'' brand in lower case letters of larger dimensions, above the words ''TRASPARENTE'' in thinner uppercase letters. Beside the mark, at left and right respectively, were reported the data about the patent on the filling system, with the inscriptions  ''brevetto'' ad ''n. 375925'' in uppercase small letters.
Le versioni più tarde di questo modello vennero realizzate usando una sola veretta sul cappuccio, sempre con la clip a freccia e la decorazione con ''[[jewel|tasselli]]'' e anelli metallici della testa del cappuccio e del fondello. Di questa versione sono stati reperiti esemplari dotati anche della clip sagomata presente nelle prime versioni della penna, le cui origini non sono note.  
The later versions of this model were built using a single ring on the cap, always with the arrow clip and the [[jewel]] and metal rings decorations at barrel bottom and cap top. This version has been found with copies of the clip also shaped in the early versions of the pen, whose origins are unknown.
Le penne di questa serie vennero realizzate in diverse varietà di celluloide semitrasparente con bellissime colorazioni anellate, ma sono presenti anche versioni nere con spirali ed una grande varietà di altre colorazioni marmorizzata o a losanghe. Non è noto un preciso elenco di colori.  
The pens in this series were made in a variety of translucent ringed celluloid with beautiful colors, but there are also versions with black spirals and a variety of other colors with marbled or lozenges patterns. There is no known specific list of colors.
[[Image:Tabo-Trasparente-Black-Nib.jpg|thumb|Particolare del pennino di una [[Tabo Trasparente]] ]]
[[File:Tabo-Trasparente-Flatclip-3V-BlackTransp-Sr-Nib.jpg|thumb|Detail of a [[Tabo Trasparente]] nib]]
Le penne di questa serie erano dotate di pennino oro a 14 carati, recanti la incisione ''Tabo'' in caratteri maiuscoli sopra la scritta ''Osmiridio'' il tutto posto sopra un rombo contenente il valore della caratura espresso in millesimi. Le versioni dotate di pennino in acciaio bianco riportano sempre la incisione ''Tabo'' sovrastante però in questo caso la scritta ''Iridium'', in questo caso manca il rombo della caratura ed è soltanto presente un numero indicante la misura del pennino.
The pens in this series were equipped with a 14-carat gold nib, bearing the engraving ''Tabo'' in capital letters above the ''Osmiridio'' inscription all over the carat weight value inside a diamond, expressed in thousandths. The  steel nib versions always have the''Tabo' above  the word ''Iridium'', with no carat weight indication and only a number indicating the size of the nib.
| grande
|Versione = big
| 1x.x cm
|Lunghezza =
| 1x mm il cappuccio, 11mm il corpo
| media
| 1x.x cm
| 1x mm il cappuccio, 11mm il corpo
| piccola
| 1x.x cm
| 1x mm il cappuccio, 11mm il corpo
|Versione = medium
|Lunghezza =
|Versione = small
|Lunghezza =
{{CronoModello|Tabo Trasparente}}
== Materiale disponibile ==
{{ModelChrono|Tabo Trasparente}}
== External references ==
* [] Discussion about the model on the Italian forum
== Related material ==
{{GenerateMaterialGallery|Tabo|Tabo Trasparente}}
{{GenerateMaterialGallery|Tabo|Tabo Trasparente}}
== Riferimenti esterni ==