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Riga 6: Riga 6:  
[[Image:Montegrappa-Extra-154-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Montegrappa]] in celluloid]]
[[Image:Montegrappa-Extra-154-Capped.jpg|thumb|A [[Montegrappa]] in celluloid]]
The [[Montegrappa]] history is rather complex, the company was founded in [[1912]] in Bassano del Grappa with the name ''"Manifattura Pennini Oro per Stilografiche - The Elmo Pen"''<ref>date and name comes form Giuseppe Fichera research published on the book ''Montegrappa'' of 1999.</ref> by ''Edwige Hoffman'' and ''Heidrich Helm''. It would therefore be more correct to refer to it with the ''[[Elmo]]'' name, used also for some models, since the use of the [[Montegrappa]] brand, with which it is now universally known, is much more late. Moreover, as the name testifies, the company initially produce only pens nibs, so it is at least arguable the claim to qualify itself as the first Italian manufacturer of fountain pens<ref>this title belongs instead to  [[Uhlmann's Eterno]].</ref> since the production of the latter will not start until the beginning of the '20s.  
La storia iniziale della [[Montegrappa]] è alquanto complessa, l'azienda nasce nel [[1912]] a Bassano del Grappa con il nome ''"Manifattura Pennini Oro per Stilografiche - The Elmo Pen"''<ref>data e denominazione esatta originano dalla ricerca di Giuseppe Fichera pubblicata nel libro ''Montegrappa'' pubblicato nel 1999.</ref> ad opera di ''Edwige Hoffman'' e ''Heidrich Helm''. Sarebbe pertanto più corretto riferirsi all'azienda con il nome ''[[Elmo]]'', usato anche per alcuni modelli, dato che l'utilizzo del marchio [[Montegrappa]], con il quale è ormai universalmente conosciuta, è molto più tardo. Inoltre, come il nome stesso testimonia, l'azienda inizialmente non produceva stilografiche ma soltanto pennini, pertanto è quantomeno discutibile la pretesa di qualificarsi come il primo produttore italiano di penne stilografiche <ref>titolo che spetta invece alla [[Uhlmann's Eterno]], nata prima della [[Montegrappa]] e di cui è certa la produzione fin dal 1913.</ref> dato che la produzione di quest'ultime non comincerà fino agli inizi degli anni '20.  
The initial production of [[Montegrappa]] has been dated to the beginning of the '20s, they were hard rubber pens produced with both [[eyedropper filler|eyedropper]] of [[safety]] filling system. In this period were produced two different lines, the ''[[Modelli iniziali Montegrappa|Elmo]]'', a [[safety]] pen with a design very similar to the German production of the same time (with rounded cap and barrel end) and ''[[Modelli iniziali Montegrappa|The Elmo Pen]]'' who instead imitated the style of american pens like [[Waterman 42]], with flat cap and barrel end.  
The initial production of [[Montegrappa]] has been dated to the beginning of the '20s, they were hard rubber pens produced with both [[eyedropper filler|eyedropper]] of [[safety]] filling system. In this period were produced two different lines, the ''[[Modelli iniziali Montegrappa|Elmo]]'', a [[safety]] pen with a design very similar to the German production of the same time (with rounded cap and barrel end) and ''[[Modelli iniziali Montegrappa|The Elmo Pen]]'' who instead imitated the style of american pens like [[Waterman 42]], with flat cap and barrel end.  
Riga 18: Riga 18:  
In [[1935]] an interesting line of [[Montegrappa faccettata|faceted pens]] was created, characterized by a great variety of celluloid colors. The style of these pens was the same as the other main Italian producers and resembled the [[Doric]]. In this series was also produced an original version made with wawed faces, one of the most interesting products from the company. In this same period began a further differentiation, at the ''Montegrappa'' brand was added the ''Montegrappa Extra'' brand, reserved for the most valuable pens, while in the low end to the ''Elmo'' was added the ''Ducale''.
In [[1935]] an interesting line of [[Montegrappa faccettata|faceted pens]] was created, characterized by a great variety of celluloid colors. The style of these pens was the same as the other main Italian producers and resembled the [[Doric]]. In this series was also produced an original version made with wawed faces, one of the most interesting products from the company. In this same period began a further differentiation, at the ''Montegrappa'' brand was added the ''Montegrappa Extra'' brand, reserved for the most valuable pens, while in the low end to the ''Elmo'' was added the ''Ducale''.
The '30s were a period of great activity for [[Montegrappa]], which in addition to creating its own models, became a major production company for others brands, building pens for a wide variety of companies, more or less known. Among these Letizia Iacopini, in the book ''La storia della stilografica in Italia'', reports: ''a.b.c.'', ''Aquila'', ''Astoria'', ''[[Atlantica]]'', ''[[Caesar]]'', ''[[Contessa]]'', ''Dacis AVR'', ''[[Domino]]'', ''[[Duchessa]]'', ''Montenero'', ''Pilus'', ''Titanus'', ''Vulcan-Saturnia'', ''[[Zenith]]''. Excepted ''[[Domino]]'' for which is known a trademark registration ({{Marchio|32169}}) from [[1925]], the attribution for the others is quite uncertain.
Gli anni '30 furono comunque un periodo di grande attività dell'azienda, che oltre a creare modelli propri, diventò una delle principali aziende ad eseguire produzioni per conto terzi, costruendo penne per una vasta varietà di marchi, più o meno noti. Fra questi Letizia Iacopini, nel libro ''La storia della stilografica in Italia'', riporta: ''a.b.c.'', ''Aquila'', ''Astoria'', ''[[Atlantica]]'', ''[[Caesar]]'', ''[[Contessa]]'', ''Dacis AVR'', ''[[Domino]]'', ''[[Duchessa]]'', ''Montenero'', ''Pilus'', ''Titanus'', ''Vulcan-Saturnia'', ''[[Zenith]]''. A parte ''[[Domino]]'', per il quale esiste la registrazione di un marchio depositato dall'azienda stessa nel [[1925]] ({{Marchio|32169}}) la attribuzione degli altri è alquanto incerta.
In the late 30's, following the trend of the pens capable to show their ink level, [[Montegrappa]] started to use the [[piston filler]] and produced a  [[Montegrappa trasparente|new line]] of celluloid pens with a transparent section.  Also in this period, the effects of the World War II began to be felt, and autarkic models, equipped with metal trim and chrome steel nibs, began to appear.
In the late 30's, following the trend of the pens capable to show their ink level, [[Montegrappa]] started to use the [[piston filler]] and produced a  [[Montegrappa trasparente|new line]] of celluloid pens with a transparent section.  Also in this period, the effects of the World War II began to be felt, and autarkic models, equipped with metal trim and chrome steel nibs, began to appear.
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