
nessun oggetto della modifica
Riga 22: Riga 22:  
In the early 30's also [[Chilton]] started to produce ''[[streamlined]]'' models, following the trend introduced by the [[Balance]]. The this period models, produced in 15 color variations and 8 different sizes are commonly called ''[[Chilton Long Island|Long Island]]''. More or less at this time there was the birth of the so-called [[Chilton Lox-Top|Lox-Top]] models, equipped with a particular mechanism (called  [[Lox-Top]]) that prevented the cap from unscrewing when the pen was inserted into a pocket, this was carried out by a small pin, actuated by the clip, which was to hang on the section when the clip was moved from the cloth of the pocket.
In the early 30's also [[Chilton]] started to produce ''[[streamlined]]'' models, following the trend introduced by the [[Balance]]. The this period models, produced in 15 color variations and 8 different sizes are commonly called ''[[Chilton Long Island|Long Island]]''. More or less at this time there was the birth of the so-called [[Chilton Lox-Top|Lox-Top]] models, equipped with a particular mechanism (called  [[Lox-Top]]) that prevented the cap from unscrewing when the pen was inserted into a pocket, this was carried out by a small pin, actuated by the clip, which was to hang on the section when the clip was moved from the cloth of the pocket.
Fra il 1934 ed il [[1935]] (di nuovo vengono riportate queste due date da fonti diverse, ma assumeremo la seconda, che è riportata in un catalogo del 1937) la [[Chilton]] introdusse quello che è probabilmente il suo capolavoro, il modello [[Wing-flow]]. Il nome della penna derivava dal peculiare pennino, il cui brevetto ({{Cite patent|US|2089449}}) venne richiesto nel [[1935]], dotato di alette ribattute intorno all'alimentatore, così che questo non potesse disallinearsi.
Between 1934 and [[1935]] (the two dates comes from different sources, but we use the second one, mentioned in a 1937 catalog) [[Chilton]] introduced what is probably his masterpiece, the [[Wing-flow]] model. The name come from the peculiar pen nib, cover by a patent ({{Cite patent|US|2089449}}) that was filed in [[1935]], equipped with lateral wings folded around the feeder, so that the nib could not be misaligned.
In [[1939]] [[Chilton]] produced his last quality pen, the [[Golden Quill]]. The pen was launched at the New York World Fair. The new pen had a simple and austere style, in sharp contrast with the opulence of the [[Wingflow]]. The quality was as always impeccable, but the company had economical difficulties and the new pen was not publicized enough: sales were scarce so that the pen is very rare and  today id very sought by collectors.
In [[1939]] [[Chilton]] produced his last quality pen, the [[Golden Quill]]. The pen was launched at the New York World Fair. The new pen had a simple and austere style, in sharp contrast with the opulence of the [[Wingflow]]. The quality was as always impeccable, but the company had economical difficulties and the new pen was not publicized enough: sales were scarce so that the pen is very rare and  today id very sought by collectors.