
And it was precisely from 1921 onwards that the role of the Jules Fagard (not yet JiF) emerged as an independent company capable of carrying out its own production at least as far as mechanical pencils were concerned, which from the very beginning began to be combined with Waterman pens, first under the Rymex brand name and then, starting around Easter 1922, using the “JiF” new brand name, which had been registered on November 17, 1921,[1] which from then on would turn out to be increasingly combined with that of Waterman pens.

  1. as reported in the [https: //forum. monograph] on the trademark made by Esme, (utente forum Esme e utente wiki User:Esme) this was filed on November 17, 1921 under No. 026054 as shown in International Registration No. 244271 of 1961.