Elmo Montegrappa
Montegrappa contends to Tibaldi and Aurora for the primacy of beeing first Italian fountain pens producer. Although the company is undoubtedly the oldest of three, it was founded as a manufacturer of nibs for fountain pens, whose production seems rather starting back to the early 20's. The company, along with Aurora and Omas is one of the longest living Italian producers, remained in operation until the present day. In 2001 the company was purchased by the Richemont group (the same owner of Montblanc).
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The Montegrappa history is rather complex, the company was founded in 1912 in Bassano del Grappa with the name "Manifattura Pennini Oro per Stilografiche - The Elmo Pen"[1] by Edwige Hoffman and Heidrich Helm. It would therefore be more correct to refer to it with the Elmo name, used also for some models, since the use of the Montegrappa brand, with which it is now universally known, is much more late. Moreover, as the name testifies, the company initially produce only pens nibs, so it is at least arguable the claim to qualify itself as the first Italian manufacturer of fountain pens[2] since the production of the latter will not start until the beginning of the '20s.
The initial production of Montegrappa has been dated to the beginning of the '20s, they were hard rubber pens produced with both eyedropper of safety filling system. In this period were produced two different lines, the Elmo, a safety pen with a design very similar to the German production of the same time (with rounded cap and barrel end) and The Elmo Pen who instead imitated the style of american pens like Waterman 42, with flat cap and barrel end.
In 1922 Montegrappa acquired the building in Via Ca 'Erizzo in Bassano Veneto, later expanded and renovated, that still is the headquarter of the company. In 1925 Montegrappa was bought by Alessandro Marzotto and Domenico Manea, and the following year was renamed as "Industria Pennini Oro e Penne Stilografiche Elmo" which acronym, I.P.O.P.S.E., was marked on the nibs until the first half of the '30s. Despite the new ownership Heidrich Helm continued to be the production director, providing a vital contribution to the success of the company.
Between the late '20s and early '30s were introduced the first celluloid models, the first ones were equipped with a button filler but later also a lever filler was used. Initially these were matched to the in hard rubber models and then they replaced them. Moreover the production was also differentiated, using the Elmo brand to mark the low end economic pens, while the Montegrappa brand was used for the top level pens.
In 1935 an interesting line of faceted pens was created, characterized by a great variety of celluloid colors. The style of these pens was the same as the other main Italian producers and resembled the Doric. In this series was also produced an original version made with wawed faces, one of the most interesting products from the company. In this same period began a further differentiation, at the Montegrappa brand was added the Montegrappa Extra brand, reserved for the most valuable pens, while in the low end to the Elmo was added the Ducale.
The '30s were a period of great activity for Montegrappa, which in addition to creating its own models, became a major production company for others brands, building pens for a wide variety of companies, more or less known. Among these Letizia Iacopini, in the book La storia della stilografica in Italia, reports: a.b.c., Aquila, Astoria, Atlantica, Caesar, Contessa, Dacis AVR, Domino, Duchessa, Montenero, Pilus, Titanus, Vulcan-Saturnia, Zenith. Excepted Domino for which is known a trademark registration (Reg. Gen. N. 32169) from 1925, attribution for the other is quite uncertain.
In the late 30's, following the trend of the pens capable to show their ink level, Montegrappa started to use the piston filler and produced a new line of celluloid pens with a transparent section. Also in this period, the effects of the World War II began to be felt, and autarkic models, equipped with metal trim and chrome steel nibs, began to appear.
After the war, production resumed with a stylistic renewal of the entire production range, moving, as was the case for virtually all the Italian manufacturers, to tapered lines with a classic torpedo shape. The new pens were identified by a three digits numerical code, which meaning has not been fully clarified, excepted for the fact that the number of decimal indicated the filling system, and the unit the pen dimension (although without a ascending order). The hundreds digit usually stands for the model, but the same number was used for many different model, so its meaning is not clear.
Nel primo dopoguerra vennero prodotte le penne delle serie 200, 300 e 400. Nel 1946 un incendio distrusse parzialmente gli stabilimenti, con degli effetti sulla produzione: la produzione in celluloide venne limitata, e la Montegrappa si concentrò sulla produzione di rivestimenti in metallo e nell'uso delle plastiche ad iniezione. Nel 1947 l'azienda viene rifondata come "Elmo - Montegrappa s.n.c." e nel 1951 diventò la "Fabbrica Penne Stilografiche Elmo Montegrappa s.r.l.".
La produzione degli anni '50 vide la progressiva sostituzione della celluloide con la plastica a stampo, rimanendo la prima utilizzata soltanto per la produzione di penne economiche in color madreperla o a avorio, allora molto utilizzate come tipico regalo di Prima Comunione. In questo periodo venne anche effettuato il passaggio al caricamento a cartuccia.
Non sono a conoscenza dell'autore dati storici precisi per quanto riguarda il periodo dagli anni '60 ad oggi, l'azienda è rimasta però sul mercato, e negli anni '90 si segnalava come uno dei migliori produttori di penne in metallo o argento. Nel 2000 l'azienda è stata acquistata dal gruppo Richemont (lo stesso proprietario di Montblanc) per essere ri-acquisita a fine 2009 dalla famiglia Aquila.
Template:CronoMarche |- | 1912 || Fondata la "Manifattura Pennini Oro per Stilografiche - The Elmo Pen" |- | 1921~ || (data indicativa[3]) Inizia la produzione |- | 1925 || L'azienda viene acquistata da Alessandro Marzotto e Domenico Manea |- | 1926 || L'azienda viene ribattezzata in "Manifattura Pennini Oro e Penne Stilografiche Elmo" |- | 1930~ || (data indicativa[4]) Introdotti i primi modelli in celluloide |- | 1935 || Introdotta la serie sfaccettata. |- | 1935~ || (data indicativa[5]) Introdotto il marchio Montegrappa Extra |- | 1939~ || (data indicativa[6]) Introdotti i modelli con caricamento a stantuffo |- | 1946~ || (data indicativa[7]) Introdotte le serie 200 e 300 |- | 1947 || L'azienda viene rifondata come "Elmo - Montegrappa s.n.c." |- | 1951 || La "Elmo - Montegrappa s.n.c." diventa la "Fabbrica Penne Stilografiche Elmo Montegrappa s.r.l." |- |}
Template:LegendaModelli |- | ? || 19XX || XX, ? |- |}
- ↑ date and name comes form Giuseppe Fichera research published on the book Montegrappa of 1999.
- ↑ this title is given by the author of these page to Tibaldi, but he his from Florence, so this is surely biased... but until concrete documentation is provided to him he will not change idea.
- ↑ si fa riferimento agli inizi degli anni '20.
- ↑ si fa riferimento al periodo fra la fine degli anni '20 e l'inizio degli anni '30.
- ↑ si fa riferimento alla metà degli anni '30.
- ↑ si fa riferimento alla fine degli anni '30.
- ↑ si fa riferimento al primo dopoguerra.
Riferimenti esterni
- http://www.montegrappa.com/ Sito dell'azienda, le informazioni storiche sono del tutto assenti.
- http://www.pennamagazine.com/load_detail.aspx?id=8&nt=stilo Un interessante articolo storico di Giuseppe Fichera