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Versione delle 01:09, 16 dic 2018

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Definizione del messaggio (Alimentatore)
L'importanza che ha questo componente emerge con ancora più evidenza dal fatto che la più importante invenzione di ''Lewis Edson Waterman'', quella che porta molti a ritenerlo (con una certa esagerazione) il padre della stilografica, è proprio relativa alla costruzione dell'alimentatore. Certo è che ben prima di concentrarsi su [[materiali]] e [[sistemi di caricamento]] alla fine del 1800 i produttori competevano (ed investivano i loro sforzi di ricerca) proprio su questo elemento, che caratterizzava le loro penne (si pensi ad esempio al ''[[Lucky Curve]]'' della [[Parker]] o allo ''[[Spoon feed]]'' della [[Waterman]]) dato che un alimentatore ben funzionante era allora quello che poteva fare portare al successo o al fallimento.
TraduzioneThe importance of this component is even more evident in the fact that the most important invention of ''Lewis Edson Waterman'', the one that leads many to consider him (with some exaggeration) the father of the fountain pen, is related to the construction of the feeder. Of course, well before concentrating on [[materials]] and [[loading systems]] at the end of the 1800s, manufacturers were competing (and investing their research efforts) on this very element, which characterized their pens (think, for example, of [[Parker]] ''[[Lucky Curve]]'' or [[Waterman]] ''[[Spoon feed]]'') since a well-functioning feeder was then what could lead to success or failure.

The importance of this component is even more evident in the fact that the most important invention of Lewis Edson Waterman, the one that leads many to consider him (with some exaggeration) the father of the fountain pen, is related to the construction of the feeder. Of course, well before concentrating on materials and loading systems at the end of the 1800s, manufacturers were competing (and investing their research efforts) on this very element, which characterized their pens (think, for example, of Parker Lucky Curve or Waterman Spoon feed) since a well-functioning feeder was then what could lead to success or failure.