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Versione delle 01:54, 13 gen 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (Omas)
Col progredire della guerra iniziarono a scarseggiare le materie prime ed in particolare l'oro per i pennini, come la gran parte delle aziende europee la [[OMAS]] dovette ricorrere ad una lega di acciaio, ribattezzata ''[[Permanio]]'', della quale si proclamava la superiorità anche rispetto all'oro. In realtà proprio questa lega risultò essere una delle più suscettibili alla corrosione, tanto che oggi i pennini in ''[[Permanio]]'' sono rarissimi ed hanno un valore ben più alto dei loro analoghi in oro.
TraduzioneWith the progress of the war raw materials began to be scarce and in particular gold for nibs, as the majority of European companies [[OMAS]] had to resort to some steel alloy, that the company renamed ''[[Permanio]]'', that was declared to be better even than gold. In fact just this alloy proved to be one of the most susceptible to corrosion, so that today ''[[Permanio]]'' nibs are rare and have a much higher value of their analogues in gold.

With the progress of the war raw materials began to be scarce and in particular gold for nibs, as the majority of European companies OMAS had to resort to some steel alloy, that the company renamed Permanio, that was declared to be better even than gold. In fact just this alloy proved to be one of the most susceptible to corrosion, so that today Permanio nibs are rare and have a much higher value of their analogues in gold.