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Versione delle 23:29, 16 feb 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (Olo)
Negli anni '40 la produzione venne rivista, e venne utilizzata una nuova clip scalettata, non presente sui modelli marcati [[Aurora]], ma utilizzata dall'azienda in altre produzioni economiche. Inoltre con l'introduzione nel 1938 dei pennini in ''[[Platiridio]]'' anche sulle ''Olo'' vennero montati pennini in acciaio o in acciaio placcato oro, marcati ''OLO'', che oltre al logo con l'ellissoide squadrato riportano anche l'anno di produzione.
TraduzioneIn the '40s the production was revised, and a new jagged clip was used, not present on [[Aurora]] marked models, but used by the company in other economic production. Moreover, with the introduction in 1938 of ''[[Platiridio]]'' nibs, also [[Olo]] pens were mounted with steel or gold plated steel nibs, marked ''OLO'', which were imprinted in addition to the squared ellipsoid logo also with the production year.

In the '40s the production was revised, and a new jagged clip was used, not present on Aurora marked models, but used by the company in other economic production. Moreover, with the introduction in 1938 of Platiridio nibs, also Olo pens were mounted with steel or gold plated steel nibs, marked OLO, which were imprinted in addition to the squared ellipsoid logo also with the production year.