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The [[Tibaldi]] was founded in Florence on October 20 [[1916]] by ''Giuseppe Tibaldi'' as ''"G. Tibaldi e C."'' with headquarters in Via Madonna della Querce. The company was bourne by collaboration between Tibaldi, who was behind a family business enterprise, and ''Giovanni Benelli'', a technician with extensive experience in precision mechanics which became the production manager and the director of the factory.<ref>most of the historical information reported in this page comes from the book ''"Tibaldi - A story of fountain-pen and man"'' by Letizia Jacopini and Enrico Bettazzi.</ref>
The ''Tibaldi'' company was founded in Florence on October 20 [[1916]] by ''Giuseppe Tibaldi'' as ''"G. Tibaldi e C."'' with headquarters in Via Madonna della Querce and register number 02308.<ref>these data come from the publication ''"Le società storiche fiorentine nate dal 1883 al 1923: i primi quaranta anni del Registro delle Società nei documenti d'archivio"'' following the delivery to the State Archives by the Florence Chamber of Commerce of the documents of the companies registered in the Register of Companies, which can be downloaded at [https://www.fi.camcom.gov.it/sites/default/files/uploads/Studi_Informazione_Economica/Archivi/Le_societa_storiche_fiorentine_nate_dal_1883_al_1923.pdf this address].</ref>.. The company was bourne by collaboration between Tibaldi, who was behind a family business enterprise, and ''Giovanni Benelli'', a technician with extensive experience in precision mechanics which became the production manager and the director of the factory.<ref>most of the historical information reported in this page comes from the book ''"Tibaldi - A story of fountain-pen and man"'' by Letizia Jacopini and Enrico Bettazzi.</ref>

Versione attuale delle 12:17, 29 ago 2023

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Definizione del messaggio (Tibaldi)
La ''Tibaldi'' venne fondata a Firenze il 19 ottobre [[1916]] da ''Giuseppe Tibaldi'' con il marchio ''G. Tibaldi e C.'', sede in via Madonna della Querce e numero di registro 02308.<ref>questi dati derivano dalla pubblicazione ''"Le società storiche fiorentine nate dal 1883 al 1923: i primi quaranta anni del Registro delle Società nei documenti d’archivio"'' seguita alla consegna all'Archivio di Stato da parte della Camera di Commercio di Firenze dei documenti delle imprese iscritte nel Registro delle Società, che può essere scaricato a [https://www.fi.camcom.gov.it/sites/default/files/uploads/Studi_Informazione_Economica/Archivi/Le_societa_storiche_fiorentine_nate_dal_1883_al_1923.pdf questo indirizzo].</ref>  L'azienda nasce dalla collaborazione di Tibaldi, che aveva alle spalle una attività imprenditoriale nell'azienda di famiglia, con ''Giovanni Benelli'', un tecnico con grande esperienza nella meccanica di precisione che divenne il responsabile della produzione ed il direttore della fabbrica.<ref>molte delle informazioni storiche riportate in questa pagina derivano dal libro ''"Tibaldi - A story of fountain-pen and man"'' di Letizia Jacopini ed Enrico Bettazzi e dalla voce sull'azienda nel libro ''La storia della stilografica in Italia 1900-1950"''.</ref>
TraduzioneThe ''Tibaldi'' company was founded in Florence on October 20 [[1916]] by ''Giuseppe Tibaldi'' as ''"G. Tibaldi e C."'' with headquarters in Via Madonna della Querce and register number 02308.<ref>these data come from the publication ''"Le società storiche fiorentine nate dal 1883 al 1923: i primi quaranta anni del Registro delle Società nei documenti d'archivio"'' following the delivery to the State Archives by the Florence Chamber of Commerce of the documents of the companies registered in the Register of Companies, which can be downloaded at [https://www.fi.camcom.gov.it/sites/default/files/uploads/Studi_Informazione_Economica/Archivi/Le_societa_storiche_fiorentine_nate_dal_1883_al_1923.pdf this address].</ref>.. The company was bourne by collaboration between Tibaldi, who was behind a family business enterprise, and ''Giovanni Benelli'', a technician with extensive experience in precision mechanics which became the production manager and the director of the factory.<ref>most of the historical information reported in this page comes from the book ''"Tibaldi - A story of fountain-pen and man"'' by Letizia Jacopini and Enrico Bettazzi.</ref>

The Tibaldi company was founded in Florence on October 20 1916 by Giuseppe Tibaldi as "G. Tibaldi e C." with headquarters in Via Madonna della Querce and register number 02308.[1].. The company was bourne by collaboration between Tibaldi, who was behind a family business enterprise, and Giovanni Benelli, a technician with extensive experience in precision mechanics which became the production manager and the director of the factory.[2]

  1. these data come from the publication "Le società storiche fiorentine nate dal 1883 al 1923: i primi quaranta anni del Registro delle Società nei documenti d'archivio" following the delivery to the State Archives by the Florence Chamber of Commerce of the documents of the companies registered in the Register of Companies, which can be downloaded at this address.
  2. most of the historical information reported in this page comes from the book "Tibaldi - A story of fountain-pen and man" by Letizia Jacopini and Enrico Bettazzi.