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Riga 1: Riga 1:
In the early 30s the company changed its name in ''Industria Reclame L. Uhlmann'' moving the seat from Via Moscova 14 to Via Piave 7. During this period the company established itself in the production of objects and writing instruments customized for advertising purposes, promoted through illustrated catalogs. The range of customizable items was very extensive and included poor quality pens, probably coming from Germany. To these however was added a good quality production, marked ''Uhlmann's Eterno'' or only ''Eterno'', with [[button filler]] celluloid ''[[Flat top]]'' models, clear imitation of the [[Duofold]].
In the early 30s<ref>more precisely between September 1932 (by  [[:File:1932-09-UhlmannsEterno-Invoice.jpg|this invoice]] date having the old name and headquarters in Via Pompeo Litta 7) and May 1938 (by this [[:File:1938-05-UhlmannsEterno-Invoice.jpg|other invoice]] with the new name and the new address.</ref> the company changed its name in ''Industria Reclame L. Uhlmann'' moving the seat from Via Moscova 14 to Via Piave 7. During this period the company established itself in the production of stationery objects and writing instruments customized for advertising purposes, promoted through illustrated catalogs. The range of customizable items was very extensive and included poor quality pens, probably coming from Germany. To these however was added a good quality production, marked ''Uhlmann's Eterno'' or only ''Eterno'', with [[button filler]] celluloid ''[[Flat top]]'' models, clear imitation of the [[Duofold]].

Versione attuale delle 00:19, 13 mar 2018

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Definizione del messaggio (Uhlmann's Eterno)
All'inizio degli anni '30<ref>più precisamente fra il settembre 1932 (data di [[:File:1932-09-UhlmannsEterno-Invoice.jpg|questa fattura]] con la vecchia denominazione ed una indicazione di sede in Via Pompeo Litta 7) ed il maggio 1938 (data di questa [[:File:1938-05-UhlmannsEterno-Invoice.jpg|altra fattura]] con la nuova denominazione e la nuova sede.</ref> l'azienda cambiò ragione sociale in ''Industria Reclame L. Uhlmann'' spostando la sede a Via Piave 7, in questo periodo l'azienda si affermò nella produzione di oggetti e strumenti di scrittura personalizzabili a scopo pubblicitario, promossi attraverso cataloghi illustrati. La gamma di articoli personalizzabili era molto vasta e comprendeva penne di probabile origine tedesca di scarsa qualità. A queste si aggiungeva però una produzione di penne marcate ''Uhlmann's Eterno'' o ''Eterno'' di buona qualità, come modelli ''[[Flat top]]'' in celluloide a [[pulsante di fondo]] di chiara imitazione della [[Duofold]].
TraduzioneIn the early 30s<ref>more precisely between September 1932 (by  [[:File:1932-09-UhlmannsEterno-Invoice.jpg|this invoice]] date having the old name and headquarters in Via Pompeo Litta 7) and May 1938 (by this [[:File:1938-05-UhlmannsEterno-Invoice.jpg|other invoice]] with the new name and the new address.</ref> the company changed its name in ''Industria Reclame L. Uhlmann'' moving the seat from Via Moscova 14 to Via Piave 7. During this period the company established itself in the production of stationery objects and writing instruments customized for advertising purposes, promoted through illustrated catalogs. The range of customizable items was very extensive and included poor quality pens, probably coming from Germany. To these however was added a good quality production, marked ''Uhlmann's Eterno'' or only ''Eterno'', with [[button filler]] celluloid ''[[Flat top]]'' models, clear imitation of the [[Duofold]].

In the early 30s[1] the company changed its name in Industria Reclame L. Uhlmann moving the seat from Via Moscova 14 to Via Piave 7. During this period the company established itself in the production of stationery objects and writing instruments customized for advertising purposes, promoted through illustrated catalogs. The range of customizable items was very extensive and included poor quality pens, probably coming from Germany. To these however was added a good quality production, marked Uhlmann's Eterno or only Eterno, with button filler celluloid Flat top models, clear imitation of the Duofold.

  1. more precisely between September 1932 (by this invoice date having the old name and headquarters in Via Pompeo Litta 7) and May 1938 (by this other invoice with the new name and the new address.