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(Creata pagina con 'In the early '30s Mallat introduced the celluloid producing models with both lever and button loading system, using streamlined ...')
Riga 1: Riga 1:
In the early '30s [[Mallat]] introduced the [[celluloid]] producing models with both [[lever filler|lever]] and [[button filler|button]] loading system, using [[streamlined]] shapes and conical-shaped ends. In the 1930 they introduced  the [[Mallat 120|120]] a [[lever filler]] ladies model, produced in iridescent colors, and the [[Mallat 130|130]], also a [[lever filler]]. The [[Mallat 150|150]] and the [[Integral]] models, introduced in 1936, where instead [[button filler]], produced with the goal of a better ink capacity, as dictated from the French market trend of that period.
In the early '30s [[Mallat]] introduced the [[celluloid]] producing models with both [[lever filler|lever]] and [[button filler|button]] loading system, using [[streamlined]] shapes and conical-shaped ends. In the [[1930]] they introduced  the [[Mallat 120|120]] a [[lever filler]] ladies model, produced in iridescent colors, and the [[Mallat 130|130]], also a [[lever filler]]. The [[Mallat 150|150]] and the [[Integral]] models, introduced in [[1936]], where instead [[button filler]], produced with the goal of a better ink capacity, as dictated from the French market trend of that period.

Versione attuale delle 20:26, 27 feb 2013

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Definizione del messaggio (Mallat)
All'inizio degli anni '30 la [[Mallat]] introdusse la [[celluloide]] producendo sia modelli con [[caricamento a levetta]] che a [[pulsante di fondo|pulsante]], con forme [[streamlined|affusolate]] ed estremità a forma conica. Sono del [[1930]] la serie [[Mallat 120|120]] con [[caricamento a levetta]] destinata alle signore e prodotta in celluloide dai colori iridescenti e la serie [[Mallat 130|130]]. Le serie [[Mallat 150|150]] e la [[Integral]] del [[1936]] erano invece con [[caricamento a pulsante]], caratterizzate dall'attenzione a fornire una elevata capacità in termini di inchiostro contenuto, secondo la tendenza dell'epoca del mercato francese.
TraduzioneIn the early '30s [[Mallat]] introduced the [[celluloid]] producing models with both [[lever filler|lever]] and [[button filler|button]] loading system, using [[streamlined]] shapes and conical-shaped ends. In the [[1930]] they introduced  the [[Mallat 120|120]] a [[lever filler]] ladies model, produced in iridescent colors, and the [[Mallat 130|130]], also a [[lever filler]]. The [[Mallat 150|150]] and the [[Integral]] models, introduced in [[1936]], where instead [[button filler]], produced with the goal of a better ink capacity, as dictated from the French market trend of that period.

In the early '30s Mallat introduced the celluloid producing models with both lever and button loading system, using streamlined shapes and conical-shaped ends. In the 1930 they introduced the 120 a lever filler ladies model, produced in iridescent colors, and the 130, also a lever filler. The 150 and the Integral models, introduced in 1936, where instead button filler, produced with the goal of a better ink capacity, as dictated from the French market trend of that period.