Riga 52:
Riga 52:
In the same period of the [[Omas 361|361]] ogival shaped were adopted for other models and led to the [[Lucens|Lucens Ogiva]] and new ogival versions of the old [[Omas Extra|Extra]] model (called [[Omas 55x|555/S]], [[Omas 55x|556/S]] and [[Omas 55x|557/S]]), These were celluloid made with a red or yellow transparent window, and there were also variants with metal cap. The faceted forms were also kept, for both the [[Omas 361|361]] and the new '' Extra'' series with models denominated [[Omas 55x|555/F]], [[Omas 55x|556/F]] and [[Omas 55x|557/F]].
In the same period of the [[Omas 361|361]] ogival shaped were adopted for other models and led to the [[Lucens|Lucens Ogiva]] and new ogival versions of the old [[Omas Extra|Extra]] model (called [[Omas 55x|555/S]], [[Omas 55x|556/S]] and [[Omas 55x|557/S]]), These were celluloid made with a red or yellow transparent window, and there were also variants with metal cap. The faceted forms were also kept, for both the [[Omas 361|361]] and the new '' Extra'' series with models denominated [[Omas 55x|555/F]], [[Omas 55x|556/F]] and [[Omas 55x|557/F]].
Negli anni successivi la produzione della [[OMAS]] proseguì, con la realizzazione di penne stilografiche in celluloide con [[caricamento a stantuffo]]. L'azienda produsse nuovi modelli coma la [[Omas VS|VS]] e la [[OMAS CS|CS]]. Con la morte di Armando Simoni nel 1958 però non vennero prodotte significative innovazioni, anche se negli ultimi decenni sono stati introdotti diversi modelli, cercando di inseguire la fascia alta del mercato e degli oggetti di lusso, riportando anche in produzione alcuni modelli in celluloide simili a quelli degli anni '30. L'azienda è ancora oggi presente sul mercato, pur essendo passata di mano dagli eredi di Simoni per essere prima ceduta prima alla [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LVMH Luis Vuitton] e poi alla cinese [http://www.xinyuhengdeli.com/ Xinyu Hengdeli].
In the following years [[OMAS]] production continued with the construction of [[piston filler]] celluloid pens. The company produced new models like the [[Omas VS|VS]] and the [[OMAS CS|CS]]. With the death of Armando Simoni in 1958, however, no more significant innovations were produced, although in later decades the company introduced different models, trying to chase the high end of the market and luxury items, bringing in some models similar to celluloid one of the '30s. The company is still on the market today, although it changed hands from the heirs of Simoni to be sold first to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LVMH Luis Vuitton] and then to the Chinese [http:/ / www.xinyuhengdeli.com/ Xinyu Hengdeli].