Riga 54:
Riga 54:
In the following years [[OMAS]] production continued with the construction of [[piston filler]] celluloid pens. The company produced new models like the [[Omas VS|VS]] and the [[OMAS CS|CS]]. With the death of Armando Simoni in 1958, however, no more significant innovations were produced, although in later decades the company introduced different models, trying to chase the high end of the market and luxury items, bringing in some models similar to celluloid one of the '30s. The company is still on the market today, although it changed hands from the heirs of Simoni to be sold first to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LVMH Luis Vuitton] and then to the Chinese [http:/ / www.xinyuhengdeli.com/ Xinyu Hengdeli].
In the following years [[OMAS]] production continued with the construction of [[piston filler]] celluloid pens. The company produced new models like the [[Omas VS|VS]] and the [[OMAS CS|CS]]. With the death of Armando Simoni in 1958, however, no more significant innovations were produced, although in later decades the company introduced different models, trying to chase the high end of the market and luxury items, bringing in some models similar to celluloid one of the '30s. The company is still on the market today, although it changed hands from the heirs of Simoni to be sold first to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LVMH Luis Vuitton] and then to the Chinese [http:/ / www.xinyuhengdeli.com/ Xinyu Hengdeli].
| 1925 || Nascita della [[OMAS]]
| 1xx|| will be automatically generated
| 1927 || Viene brevettata la ''Penna del dottore''
| 1932 || Introdotto il modello [[Omas Extra|Extra]]
| 1934 || Introdotto il modello [[Minerva Classica]]
| 1936 || Introdotti i modelli [[Lucens]] ed [[Lucens|Extra Lucens]] con caricamento a [[stantuffo tuffante]]
| 1936 || Sostituita la vera con tre anelli sul cappuccio sulla [[Omas Extra|Extra]] tonda
| 1938 || Introdotta la clip a freccia sul modello [[Extra Lucens]]
| 1940 || Introdotti i pennini in ''[[Permanio]]''
| 1940 || Sostituita la vera con tre anelli sul cappuccio sulla [[Extra]] faccettata
| 1946 || Ristilizzato il modello [[Omas Extra|Extra]], sostituito dalla [[Omas 55x|nuova versione]] a [[caricamento a stantuffo|stantuffo]]
| 1948 || Introdotto il modello [[Omas 361|361]], ristilizzati i modelli [[Omas 55x|Extra]]
| 1950 || Introdotti i modelli [[Omas 35x|351]] e [[Omas 35x|352]]