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[[Immagine:Logo-Columbus.svg|center|500px|Logo Columbus]]
[[Image:Logo-Columbus.svg|center|500px|Logo Columbus]]
''Columbus'' was founded in [[1918]] and was one of the first manufacturers of fountain pens born in Italy. The ''Columbus'' pens, like many other similar productions in Italy, were imitations of the models produced by the most famous American companies; however, they were of good quality, and of excellent stylistic realization, which makes the company one of the most significant on the Italian scene.{{Infobox_Brand|Columbus}}{{BrandData|Founder=Eugenio Verga, Alfredo Verga|Date=1918|Place=Milano|Country=IT|Fullname=Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc}}
== History ==
[[Columbus]] was founded in 1918 and was between the firsts Italian fountain pens manufacturers. The  [[Columbus]] pens, like many other similar productions in Italy, were imitations of the more famous American brand models, however they had good quality and excellent style, and for these reason the company is considered to be between the most significant brands of the Italian market.
On May 19, [[1918]]<ref>this date is reported in the [https://web.archive.org/web/20180830144013/http://columbuspenne.it/storia-it.html page] on the history of the company in a site dedicated to the brand from the purchaser of the same, but in several annals of the Industrial Yearbook of the Province of Milan (as in [[:File:1937-AnnuarioIndustriale-ProvMI-p809.jpg|this]] from [[1937]]) the founding is reported in [[1916]].</ref> the Eugenio and Alfredo Verga brothers founded in Milan the ''Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc'',<ref>meaning ''Alfredo Verga Society of the Verga Brothers''.</ref>, with headquarters in Corso di Porta Romana n.80. ''Alfredo Verga'' already worked as a trader for [[Conway Stewart]], while ''Eugenio Verga'' was a salesman for the ''[[Uhlmann's Eterno]]''. The purpose of the new company was to enter the market with production and sales of fountain pens, nibs, ink and stationery. Eugenio chose the name of their products, ''Columbus'', while Alfredo gave the company his name; the same year the first fountain pen, called ''Columbus Safety Pen nr. 1'', was produced.
== Storia ==
[[Image:Columbus-Extra-98-Flattop-Mottled-Capped.jpg|thumb|A ''[[Flat top]]'' ''Columbus'']]
Il 19 Maggio del 1918 i fratelli Eugenio ed Alfredo Verga fondarono a Milano la ''Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc'', società a nome collettivo, con sede in Corso di Porta Romana n.80. Alfredo Verga già operava come rivenditore per la [[Conway Stewart]], mentre Eugenio era stato commesso viaggiatore per la ''[[Uhlmann's Eterno]]''. Lo scopo della nuova società era quello di dedicarsi alla produzione e commercio di penne stilografiche, pennini, inchiostro e cancelleria. Eugenio scelse il nome dei prodotti, [[Columbus]], mentre Alfredo diede il suo nome all'azienda; lo stesso anno venne prodotta la prima penna, denominata ''Columbus Safety Pen nr. 1''.
The first models were black hard rubber [[safety]] pens, produced in six different sizes from 1 to 6, and in long or short version. Their style was a imitation of that one used by German producers (like [[Montblanc]] or [[Kaweco]]) with rounded cap top and barrel end. These pens were in fact produced with all the external components purchased in Germany, while just the internal mechanism, the assembly and the finishing was made in Italy.
[[Image:Columbus-Overlay-Capped.jpg|thumb|Una [[Columbus]] da signora]]
Like other Italian pens of the same period, ''Columbus'' pens were imitations of the most famous models at that time, but they were produced locally so they could be sold at much lower prices. Most of the ''Columbus'' initial production consisted in [[safety]] pens with gold plated (both 14k or 18k) [[overlay]]s. The pens had good technical quality, and their decorations were very sophisticated, by far the best of that time and significantly better than those of the foreign models they imitated.
La [[Modelli iniziali Columbus|prima serie]] prodotta era costituita da [[rientranti]] in ebanite nera, realizzate in sei diverse misure, dalla 1 alla 6 ed in versione lunga o corta. Lo stile ricalcava quello dei produttori tedeschi dell'epoca (come [[Montblanc]] o [[Kaweco]]) con testa del cappuccio e fondello arrotondati, cappuccio lungo e incisione della misura sul fondello. Le penne venivano infatti prodotte con tutte le parti esterne acquistate in Germania, mentre in Italia veniva realizzato il meccanismo interno, l'assemblaggio e la rifinitura.
The activity was quite successful and in [[1924]] the ''Columbus'' trademark was officially recorded at {{Marchio|26261}}<ref>Letizia Jacopini reports on "The history of the fountain in Italy," the number 23247,seen in many pens, which presumably refers to the fact that the mark is registered in Vol. 247, Ranked #23 in the register of trade marks.</ref> at the department of the economy. After this date the pens started reporting an extended imprint (compared to the previous one havin only the ''Columbus'' name) bearing the registration number and the words ''sicurezza garatita''.<ref>meaning ''security guaranteed''.</ref> At the same time the company expanded its production by introducing new versions of gold-plated [[overlay]]s pens.  
Come per gli altri produttori italiani le penne della [[Columbus]] erano delle imitazioni dei più noti modelli dell'epoca, ma essendo prodotte localmente potevano essere vendute a prezzi molto più bassi. La gran parte della produzione iniziale della [[Columbus]] era costituita da penne di tipo ''[[safety]]'' rivestite in metallo decorato (le cosiddette ''[[overlay]]'') placcato in oro a 18 o 14 carati. Le penne erano di buona qualità tecnica, e le decorazioni utilizzate erano molto raffinate, in assoluto fra le migliori dell'epoca (e nettamente superiori a quelle dei modelli esteri che imitavano).  
In this period, placed in the first half of '20s, there was also a change of style, passing from the imitation of Germans model to the American ones. The change is shown by some as a consequence of birth, in [[1927]], the new Columbus Eugenio Verga, but there are<ref>on the [http://www.columbuspenne.it/COL/antiche/pagine-ita/origini.htm historic section] on the company site the [[Columbus 670]] is dated to 1924, and there is a commercial letter from [[1926]] were such models are shown.</ref> clear references to pens with this style produced before the separation of Verga brothers, and in [[:Categoria:Columbus-Catalogo-Safety-192x|this catalog]] before the division they appear together.
L'attività ebbe un buon successo e nel 1924 il marchio [[Columbus]] venne registrato ufficialmente al {{Marchio|26261}}<ref>Letizia Jacopini riporta su "La storia della stilografica in Italia" il numero 23247, che presumibilmente fa riferimento al fatto che il marchio è registrato al Vol.247, N.23 del registro dei marchi.</ref> presso il ministero dell'economia. Da questa data le penne riportarono una iscrizione estesa (rispetto al precedente nome ''Columbus'') riportante anche il numero di registrazione e la dicitura ''sicurezza garantita''. Nello stesso periodo l'azienda ampliò la produzione, con l'introduzione di nuove versioni in metallo laminato in oro.  
In the first half of '20s  the [[Columbus 670]] model, very similar to [[Waterman 42]], was introduced. It was produced in three size, normal, thin, and ladies,  and in black, red or [[mottled]] hard rubber. The range of available [[overlay]]s was also expanded, and to the simple machine engraving were added decorations or bas gallery and this kind of work became one of the strengths of the company, so that they sold also [[Waterman]] and [[Montblanc]] pens with their [[overlay]]s.<ref>as shown in [[:Categoria:Columbus-Catalogo-Safety-192x|this catalog]].</ref> There is a remarkable production of this pen with an engraving of the David star on the body of the pen (also listed on the packaging) as a result of an agreement between ''Columbus'' and the Milan ghetto. The same symbol appears in other models.
In questo periodo, posto nella prima metà degli anni '20, si assiste anche ad un cambiamento di stile, passato dall'imitazione dei modelli tedeschi a quella dei modelli americani. Il cambiamento viene indicato da taluni come conseguenza della nascita, nel 1927, della nuova [[Columbus]] di Eugenio Verga, ma esistono<ref>sulla [http://www.columbuspenne.it/Columbus/carte_storiche.html sezione storica] è presente una lettera del 1926 che indica chiaramente un modello con il nuovo stile a estremità piatte analogo a quello delle rientranti [[Waterman]].</ref> chiari riferimenti a penne con questo stile prodotte nel periodo precedente la separazione dei fratelli Verga.
In [[1927]], when the [[safety]] hard rubber models were too old, the company faced a crisis and broke up. The two brothers separated, ''Alfredo Verga'' founded its own company, the ''[[Omega A.V.M.]]'' while ''Eugenio Verga'', owning of the ''Columbus'' trademark, continued alone creating a personal company with its own name.  
Nella prima metà degli anni '20 venne introdotta la [[Columbus 670]] un nuovo modello di [[rientranti|rientrante]] molto simile alla [[Waterman 42]],<ref>nella [http://www.columbuspenne.it/Columbus/1918-1930.html sezione storica] del sito dell'azienda dedicata alle penne della produzione più antica una [[Columbus 670]] viene datata al 1924.</ref> prodotto in sole tre versioni, normale, sottile, e da signore. Queste vennero prodotte in ebanite nera, rossa o fiammata, e venne inoltre ampliata la gamma dei [[overlay|rivestimenti]] disponibili; alle semplici incisioni a macchina si aggiunsero decorazioni a bassorilievo o a galleria e questa lavorazione diventò uno dei punti di forza dell'azienda. E' degna di nota la produzione di questa penna con una incisione della stella di Davide sul corpo della penna (riportata anche sulle confezioni) come frutto di un accordo fra la [[Columbus]] ed il ghetto di Milano.
[[Image:ColumbusSpoonFiller.jpg|thumb|Patent excerpt for the new filling system]]
Nel 1927, la produzione di [[rientranti]] incominciò a subire gli effetti dell'evoluzione del mercato, orientato verso sistemi di caricamento più funzionali. Di fronte alle difficoltà l'azienda si sciolse e le attività dei due fratelli si separarono, Alfredo si mise in proprio dando vita alla ''[[Omega A.V.M.]]'' mentre Eugenio, restato titolare del marchio [[Columbus]], decise di proseguire le sue attività da solo, dando vita ad una ditta individuale con il suo nome.  
While maintaining previous models production the new ''Columbus'' began to put attention in to technical innovations. A new double channel feeder, used on top line models until the 40s, was created, and the company began testing the use of celluloid. The company tried to position themselves on the market aiming to produce pens which were generally of good quality but sold at the lowest prices possible. In [[1929]] a new filling system was patented (on the mechanism is imprinted the {{Cite patent|IT|268327}}, not present in any archive, but the {{Cite patent|GB|334913}} is present), essentially an own version of the [[spoon filler]]. This patent also has a very interesting story, there is in fact a variant of [[1931]], the {{Cite patent|CA|327288}}, that's assigned to the [[Swan|Mabie Todd]] company, that in that period was about to launch its [[leverless]] filler, which creates an unexpected link between these two companies.
[[Image:ColumbusSpoonFiller.jpg|thumb|Estratto dal brevetto del nuovo sistema di caricamento]]
[[File:1935-Columbus-Extra-Tigre.jpg|thumb|left|A ''[[Flat top]]'' style [[Columbus Extra|Extra]] ]]
Pur mantenendo la produzione dei precedenti modelli, la nuova [[Columbus]] iniziò da subito a porre l'attenzione non solo sulla produzione ma anche sull'evoluzione tecnica: venne realizzato un nuovo alimentatore a doppia scanalatura, utilizzato sui modelli di punta fino agli anni '40, ed iniziò la sperimentazione dell'uso della [[celluloide]]. L'azienda poi cercò di posizionarsi sul mercato mirando alla produzione di penne che fossero di buona qualità generale ma vendute ai prezzi più bassi possibili. Nel 1929 venne poi brevettato ({{Cite patent|GB|334913}}) un nuovo sistema di caricamento, sostanzialmente una propria versione dello [[spoon filler]]. Questo brevetto ha inoltre una storia molto interessante, esiste infatti una sua variante del 1931, il {{Cite patent|CA|327288}}, assegnato alla [[Swan|Mabie Todd]] che in quel periodo stava per lanciare il suo caricamento [[leverless]], che crea un inaspettato legame fra queste due aziende.
Also in [[1929]] the [[Columbus Extra]] line was introduced, using the new filling system. Since then the name ''Columbus Extra'' was used to indicate the high-end production, so under this name were produced a wide variety of different models. Typically all models were further identified by a numerical or literal code. This line, with the same name and the same model numbers, remained in production for about a decade, while undergoing many stylistic and technical changes. Therefore is very difficult to classify with the same name a production that can be highly differentiated.  
[[Image:192x-Columbus-Extra-Flattop-Front.jpg|thumb|left|Un modello [[Columbus Extra|Extra]] degli anni '20 in stile ''[[Flat top]]'']]
The pens of the first [[Columbus Extra]] line were ''[[Flat top]]s'', clear imitation of the [[Parker]] [[Duofold]]; they were produced in four versions numbered [[Columbus Extra N. 98|98]], [[Columbus Extra N. 96|96]], [[Columbus Extra N. 94|94]] and [[Columbus Extra N. 80|80]], the first three respectively corresponding to large, medium and small size, and the forth to a lady version (same size of the small, but with cap ring instead of clip). In [[1931]] the [[Columbus Extra]] underwent a restyling following the trend of [[streamlined]] shapes, and the cap was decorated with a different cap band. The pens of this period, however, although it were obvious imitations, were of good quality and very elegant. The [[Columbus Extra 98|98]] model remains one of the best pens made at that time.
Sempre nel 1929 venne introdotta la nuova linea [[Columbus Extra]] con il nuovo sistema di caricamento, da allora la denominazione ''Columbus Extra'' venne adoperata per indicare la produzione di fascia alta dell'azienda, pertanto sotto questo nome è compresa una grande varietà di modelli diversi. In genere questi venivano ulteriormente identificati da un codice numerico o letterale, ma questa prima linea, con la stessa numerazione dei modelli, restò in produzione per circa un decennio, pur subendo moltissime variazioni stilistiche e tecniche, ed è pertanto assai problematico classificare con lo stesso nome una produzione che può risultare estremamente differenziata.
[[Image:1936-11-Columbus-Extra.jpg|thumb|An [[Columbus Extra|Extra]] model from 1936]]
La penne della prima serie ''[[Columbus Extra]]'' erano delle ''[[Flat top]]'' chiara imitazione della [[Duofold]] della [[Parker]], esse vennero prodotte in quattro versioni diverse, numerate rispettivamente [[Columbus Extra 98|98]], [[Columbus Extra 96|96]], [[Columbus Extra 94|94]] ed [[Columbus Extra 80|80]] corrispondenti rispettivamente alle dimensioni grande, media, piccola, e da signora (stessa dimensione della piccola ma con anellino sul cappuccio al posto della clip).  Già nel 1931 questi modelli vennero ristilizzati con delle forme affusolate ed una diversa veretta a decorare il cappuccio. Queste penne, nonostante si trattasse di evidenti imitazioni, erano però di buona qualità e molto eleganti; il modello [[Columbus Extra 98|98]] resta una delle migliori penne realizzate in quel periodo.  
Around the [[1935]] a new faceted [[Columbus Extra Faccettata|Columbus Extra]] was introduced. The pen was a [[lever filler]], and remained in production until the late '30s. The pen was produced in three sizes, large, medium and small, identified by their initials as [[Columbus Extra G]], [[Columbus Extra M]] e [[Columbus Extra P]].<ref>from the italian "Grande" (big), Media (medium) and "Piccola" (small).</ref> It was produced in two version, with three rings or with a greek motif decorated band. The pen was a [[lever filler]], with a wheel clip, similar to the one used on the [[Doric]], and virtually identical to the one used on the [[Omas Extra|same name]] model produced by [[Omas]].<ref>although there are no specific documentary references, is a known fact that ''Eugenio Verga'' knew and had friendly relations with ''Armando Simoni''; the pens produced by ''Columbus'' and [[Omas]] have in many cases, materials and finishes virtually identical and because this many conjectures have been made, such as the fact that [[Omas]] may have produced for some times some ''Columbus'' models, or that the two companies have made joint purchases from the same suppliers.</ref>
[[Image:1932-Columbus-Extra.jpg|thumb|Un modello [[Columbus Extra|Extra]] del 1932]]
Also around [[1935]] the Columbus introduced a new arrow clip, an obvious imitation of the one used by [[Parker]] on the [[Vacumatic]] model. The new clip was progressively used on many different models, but it was applied primarily on the top models marked ''Extra''. Around [[1935]],<ref>according to Letizia Jacopini it was in [[1936]], but this 1935 [[:File:1935-Columbus-Extra-Torre.jpg|advertisement]] is already reporting the new location, while in [[:File:1932-AnnuarioItaliano-AgrInduComm-p0484.jpg|this page]] of the ''Annuario Italiano'' of [[1932]], the Corso Roma 80 location is still mentioned, which allows to narrow the interval of the move to these three years.</ref> as a result of the good commercial success achieved by its pens, ''Columbus'' moved its activities into the new headquarters of Via Lamarmora in Milan, where more space allowed to meet the increased production needs.
All'incirca nel 1935 venne introdotta una nuova versione faccettata della [[Columbus Extra Faccettata|Columbus Extra]] che rimase in produzione fino alla fine degli anni '30. La nuova linea venne prodotta in tre misure, grande, media e piccola, identificate dalle rispettive iniziali come [[Columbus Extra G]], [[Columbus Extra M]] e [[Columbus Extra P]], ed in due diverse finiture, con tre anellini sul cappuccio, o con una vera grecata. La penna era dotata di [[caricamento a levetta]], e di una clip a rotellina, molto simile a quella della [[Doric]] ed ancor più all'[[Omas Extra|omonimo]] modello della [[Omas]].<ref>benché non esistano riferimenti documentali precisi, è un fatto noto che ''Eugenio Verga'' conoscesse bene e fosse in rapporti di amicizia con ''Armando Simoni'', le penne prodotte dalla [[Columbus]] e dalla [[Omas]] hanno infatti in moltissimi casi materiali e finiture praticamente identici: su questo sono state avanzate numerose ipotesi, come il fatto che la [[Omas]] possa aver prodotto in certi periodi alcuni modelli per la [[Columbus]], o che le due aziende abbiano effettuato acquisti congiunti dagli stessi fornitori.</ref>
In addition to the top line of the various series marked ''Columbus Extra'' the company also produced lower price pens simply marked as ''Columbus'', also identified by a numerical code. In the production of the second half of the '30s stand out among these the [[Columbus 3x|30]] and [[Columbus 55]] lines. Around [[1940]], even if there is who gives the origins to the second half of the '30s, the [[Columbus 25]] was introduced to a compact pen with a  stylized spear-shaped clip using a [[button filler]] system. Although not marked as top line, the pen was provided with very elegant band decorations on the cap, similar to those found on the top models of the ''Columbus Extra'' series.  
Sempre intorno al 1935 la [[Columbus]] introdusse una nuova clip a freccia, evidente imitazione di quella usata da [[Parker]] sulla [[Vacumatic]], la nuova clip venne progressivamente utilizzata sui vari modelli prodotti dall'azienda, restando applicata però prevalentemente sui modelli di pregio marchiati ''Extra''. Nel 1936, in conseguenza del buon successo commerciale ottenuto dalle sue penne, le attività dell'azienda si spostarono nella nuova sede di Via Lamarmora a Milano, dove i maggiori spazi consentirono di rispondere alle aumentate esigenze produttive.
[[File:Columbus-25-MarbledBrown-Capped.jpg|thumb|left|A [[Columbus 25]]]]
Oltre alla linea di maggior pregio costituita dalle varie serie marcate ''Columbus Extra'' l'azienda produsse anche delle penne di prezzo inferiore denominate semplicemente ''Columbus'', identificate anch'esse da un codice numerico. Nella produzione della seconda metà degli anni '30 spiccano fra queste la serie delle [[Columbus 3x|30]] e la [[Columbus 55]].  All'incirca nel 1940, anche se c'è chi ne riporta le origini alla seconda metà degli anni '30, venne introdotta la [[Columbus 25]] una stilografica di forma compatta con una clip sagomata a forma di lancia stilizzata e con caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]]. Pur non essendo marcata come tale, la penna era fornita con decorazioni con vera sul cappuccio molto eleganti, analoghe a quelle presenti sui modelli di pregio delle serie ''[[Columbus Extra]]''.  
Also in the second half of the '30s, according to the new trend inaugurated by [[Vacumatic]], [[Columbus]] started producing models with transparent celluloid that allowed to see the ink level. In this same period there was the birth of the [[Columbus 112]], a [[plunger filler]] model. In [[1938]] the company obtained a patent for a screw [[piston filler]],<ref>Letizia Jacopini in his book report it as n° 288327, but this number is too similar to the previous one, {{Cite patent|IT|268327}}, date ten years befor, and this make that number dubious; the only one other known patent is {{Cite patent|IT|102094}}, found on [[hooded nib]] models produced after WWII and marked [[Columbus Extra 148]] and [[Columbus Extra 150]].</ref> which had as a consequence the creation of the [[Columbus 10x|100]] line, equipped with a [[piston filler]].  
[[Image:Columbus-25-Capped.jpg|thumb|left|Una [[Columbus 25]]]]
During the period between the late '30s and the beginning of the '40s, the company was affected, as for all other European producers, by the effects of the war, and because of the economic difficulties and the supply shortage a drastic simplification of production was made, using only [[button filler]] and arrow clip on all models. In [[1941]] the company launched a model produced exclusively for the army, the [[Columbus 29]] that after was also distributed on the overall market.
Sempre nella seconda metà degli anni '30 venne dato inizio alla produzione di modelli in celluloide trasparente che consentissero di visualizzare il livello di inchiostro, secondo la nuova tendenza inaugurata dalla [[Vacumatic]], ed è di questo periodo la nascita della [[Columbus 112]] a [[siringa rovesciata]]. Nel 1938 l'azienda ottenne un brevetto ({{Cite patent|IT|288327}}) per uno stantuffo a vite, che ebbe come conseguenza la realizzazione della serie [[Columbus 10x|100]] con [[caricamento a stantuffo]].  
In [[1942]], during a bombing, the factory in Milan on Via Lamarmora was almost completely destroyed,<ref>this is also why there are strong uncertainties on many dates, because all the archives were lost in that occasion.</ref>, and the production was moved to Lesa, on the shores of Maggiore Lake, with considerable logistical difficulties since the plants were in four different sheds, quite distant from each other. In this period the company merely continued a limited production of existing models without any change or innovation and only in [[1946]], when the company was able to return to Milan, the production was resumed at full capacity.
Nel periodo a cavallo fra la fine degli anni '30 e l'inizio degli anni '40, l'azienda risentì, come tutti gli altri produttori europei, degli effetti dell'economia di guerra, ed a causa delle difficoltà economiche e di approvvigionamento venne effettuata una drastica semplificazione della produzione, utilizzando un unico sistema caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]] e la clip a freccia su tutti i modelli. Nel 1941 l'azienda lanciò un modello destinato ai militari, la [[Columbus 29]] in seguito immesso anche sul mercato generale.
[[File:Columbus-Extra-134-Red-Open.jpg|thumb|left|A [[Columbus Extra 13x|Columbus Extra 134]]]]
Nel 1942 durante un bombardamento la fabbrica di Milano di Via Lamarmora venne quasi completamente distrutta,<ref>questo è anche il motivo per cui ci sono forti incertezze su molte date, essendo andati persi nell'occasione tutti gli archivi dell'azienda.</ref> la produzione venne spostata a Lesa, sul Lago Maggiore, con notevoli difficoltà logistiche essendo gli stabilimenti suddivisi in quattro diversi capannoni alquanto lontani fra loro. In questo periodo l'azienda si limitò a proseguire una limitata produzione dei modelli esistenti senza nessuna variazione o innovazione e solo nel 1946, quando l'azienda poté tornare a Milano, venne ripresa la produzione a pieno regime.
In the middle of '40s ''Columbus'' introduces the [[Columbus 13x|134]] model, a big [[lever filler]] pen that was a clear imitation of the [[Eversharp]] [[Skyline]]. The same model was also produced in the [[Columbus 13x|132]] medium size version and in the [[Columbus 13x|130]] small version, for ladies. Again in the '40s a [[piston filler]] model, the [[Columbus 40|40]], was also produced and the [[Columbus 55|55]] had a restyling, becoming a whole line of pens.
[[Image:Columbus-134-Open.jpg|thumb|left|Una [[Columbus 13x|Columbus 134]]]]
In the '50s, following the market trends set by [[Parker]] with the success of the [[51]], ''Columbus'' introduced the [[Columbus 70|70]], an [[hooded nib]] model. In this case however the pen was not just an imitation: it was made in celluloid and used a [[piston filler]], it also had a screw cap, and the nib was only partially covered to allow the us of a flexible nib. Like other Italian imitations of the [[51]], such as the [[Aurora 88]] or the [[Omas 361]] the pen is probably more interesting than the original.
A metà degli anni '40 la [[Columbus]] e introdusse sul mercato la [[Columbus 13x|134]] con [[caricamento a levetta]] e di grandi dimensioni, una chiara imitazione della [[Skyline]] della [[Eversharp]]. Dello stesso modello vengono prodotte anche la versione [[Columbus 13x|132]] di dimensioni medie, e la [[Columbus 13x|130]], piccola, per signore. Sempre negli anni '40 viene prodotta una penna stilografica con [[caricamento a stantuffo]], la [[Columbus 40|40]] ed una ristilizzazione del modello [[Columbus 55|55]] che diventa una intera linea di penne.
The last series produced in celluloid, the [[Columbus 90]], was introduced approximately in [[1951]], and was made both with a [[piston filler]] or with a special [[button filler]] with the back knob not removable, very similar to the [[Montblanc]] ''[[push-knob]]''. The production of the '50s saw the abandonment of celluloid for the use of cheaper molded plastic, and the production of [[hooded nib]] [[Columbus Anni '50|models]] and other cheap plastic pens for the student market.
Negli anni '50, seguendo sempre le tendenze di oltreoceano trainate dal grande successo della  [[Parker 51]], la [[Columbus]] introdusse il nuovo modello [[Columbus 70|70]] a pennino coperto, in questo caso però la penna non è una imitazione pedissequa, la penna è realizzata in celluloide e con [[caricamento a stantuffo]], inoltre il cappuccio era a vite, ed il pennino solo parzialmente coperto per consentire una scrittura flessibile. Come per altre imitazioni italiane, come l'[[Aurora 88]] o la [[Omas 361]] anche in questo caso la penna è probabilmente più interessante dell'originale.  
In 1957 the founder died, leaving the company in the hands of his son Enrico, but at that time the fountain pen market was drastically shrinking due to the spread of the ballpoint pens. The choice was towards the production for the school and the low end of the market, but the company suffered an inexorable decline. In 1992 the company renmants and the ''Columbus'' trademark were sold to ''Santara Srl'' that is still producing some modern pens under the same brand.  
L'ultima serie prodotta in celluloide è stata la [[Columbus 90]] introdotta all'incirca nel 1951, e realizzata sia con [[caricamento a stantuffo]] che con un particolare [[pulsante di fondo]] a fondello non rimovibile, simile al ''[[push-knob]]'' della [[Montblanc]]. La produzione degli anni '50 vide l'abbandono della celluloide per l'uso della più economica plastica a stampo, e la produzione di [[Columbus Anni '50|modelli]] con pennino carenato e cappuccio in plastica o penne scolastiche.
Nel 1957 il fondatore morì lasciando l'azienda in mano al figlio Enrico, ma ormai il mercato delle penne stilografiche era in completo declino a causa della diffusione della penna a sfera, la scelta fu quella di rivolgersi alla produzione di penne di fascia medio bassa e per il mercato scolastico, ma l'azienda subì un inesorabile declino. Nel 1992 i resti dell'azienda ed il marchio [[Columbus]] vennero venduti alla ''Santara Srl'' che ancora oggi produce penne moderne con questo nome.
== External references==
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20101128025934/http://pentrace.net/article092801120.html] A ''Pen Trace'' article
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20180830144013/http://columbuspenne.it/storia-it.html] The website of the company that had bought the trademark, inside there are various interesting historical information
| 1918  || Nasce la ''Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga'' e inizia la produzione di penne [[Columbus]]
| 1922~ || (data indicativa<ref>si fa  riferimento alla prima metà degli anni '20</ref>) Introdotto il modello [[Columbus 670]]
| 1924  || Viene depositato il marchio [[Columbus]]
| 1927 || La ''Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga'' si scioglie, Eugenio Verga prosegue le attività da solo
| 1929  || Brevettato un proprio sistema di [[spoon filler|caricamento a cucchiaio]]
| 1929  || Introdotta la prima linea [[Columbus Extra]] e l'uso della celluloide
| 1931  || Introdotta la versione ''[[streamlined]]'' della linea [[Columbus Extra]]
| 1934~ || (data indicativa<ref>si fa riferimento alla metà degli anni '30</ref>) Introdotta la serie [[Columbus 3x|30]]
| 1935  || Introdotti i modelli [[Columbus Extra Faccettata|Columbus Extra sfaccettati]] con [[caricamento a levetta]]
| 1935  || Introdotta la clip a freccia
| 1936  || Le attività si spostano nella nuova sede di Via Lamarmora a Milano
| 1936  || Introdotto il modello [[Columbus 55]]
| 1937~ || (data indicativa<ref>si fa riferimento alla seconda metà degli anni '30</ref>) Introdotta la [[Columbus 112]] a [[siringa rovesciata]]
| 1938  || Introdotta la serie [[Columbus 10x|100]] con [[caricamento a stantuffo]]
| 1940? || Introdotta la [[Columbus 25]]
| 1941  || Introdotta la [[Columbus 29]]
| 1942  || La fabbrica di Via Lamarmora viene distrutta da un bombardamento, la produzione si sposta a Lesa
| 1946  || La produzione ritorna a Milano nella sede di Via Lamarmora
| 1946  || Introdotta la serie [[Columbus 13x|130]] (o 1948)
| 1947~ || (data indicativa<ref>si fa riferimento all'immediato dopoguerra</ref>) Introdotta la serie [[Columbus 5x|50]]
| 1949~ || (data indicativa<ref>si fa riferimento alla fine degli anni '40</ref>) Introdotta la [[Columbus 40]]
| 1951  || Introdotta la serie [[Columbus 90]]
| 1952~ || (data indicativa<ref>si fa riferimento alla prima metà degli anni '50</ref>) Introdotta la [[Columbus 70]]
| 1955~ || (data indicativa<ref>si fa riferimento alla metà degli anni '50</ref>) Introdotti i [[Columbus Anni '50|modelli]] in plastica
| 1957  || Morte di Eugenio Verga
| [[Columbus Extra|Extra]] || 1929  || 98, 96, 94, 80
| [[Columbus Extra Faccettata|Extra Faccettata]] || 1935  || G, M e P
==Riferimenti esterni==
* http://www.pentrace.net/article092801120.html Un articolo da ''Pen Trace''
* http://www.columbuspenne.it Il sito dell'attuale proprietario del marchio, all'interno ci sono varie informazioni storiche molto interessanti
* http://www.italianfountainpenacademy.it/storia/columbus.htm Una storia della marca, interessante

Versione attuale delle 14:05, 13 ago 2023

Logo Columbus

Columbus was founded in 1918 and was one of the first manufacturers of fountain pens born in Italy. The Columbus pens, like many other similar productions in Italy, were imitations of the models produced by the most famous American companies; however, they were of good quality, and of excellent stylistic realization, which makes the company one of the most significant on the Italian scene.

Brand pages
Brand advertising
Brand photos
Instructions sheet
Other documents


On May 19, 1918[1] the Eugenio and Alfredo Verga brothers founded in Milan the Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc,[2], with headquarters in Corso di Porta Romana n.80. Alfredo Verga already worked as a trader for Conway Stewart, while Eugenio Verga was a salesman for the Uhlmann's Eterno. The purpose of the new company was to enter the market with production and sales of fountain pens, nibs, ink and stationery. Eugenio chose the name of their products, Columbus, while Alfredo gave the company his name; the same year the first fountain pen, called Columbus Safety Pen nr. 1, was produced.

A Flat top Columbus

The first models were black hard rubber safety pens, produced in six different sizes from 1 to 6, and in long or short version. Their style was a imitation of that one used by German producers (like Montblanc or Kaweco) with rounded cap top and barrel end. These pens were in fact produced with all the external components purchased in Germany, while just the internal mechanism, the assembly and the finishing was made in Italy.

Like other Italian pens of the same period, Columbus pens were imitations of the most famous models at that time, but they were produced locally so they could be sold at much lower prices. Most of the Columbus initial production consisted in safety pens with gold plated (both 14k or 18k) overlays. The pens had good technical quality, and their decorations were very sophisticated, by far the best of that time and significantly better than those of the foreign models they imitated.

The activity was quite successful and in 1924 the Columbus trademark was officially recorded at Reg. Gen. N. 26261[3] at the department of the economy. After this date the pens started reporting an extended imprint (compared to the previous one havin only the Columbus name) bearing the registration number and the words sicurezza garatita.[4] At the same time the company expanded its production by introducing new versions of gold-plated overlays pens.

In this period, placed in the first half of '20s, there was also a change of style, passing from the imitation of Germans model to the American ones. The change is shown by some as a consequence of birth, in 1927, the new Columbus Eugenio Verga, but there are[5] clear references to pens with this style produced before the separation of Verga brothers, and in this catalog before the division they appear together.

In the first half of '20s the Columbus 670 model, very similar to Waterman 42, was introduced. It was produced in three size, normal, thin, and ladies, and in black, red or mottled hard rubber. The range of available overlays was also expanded, and to the simple machine engraving were added decorations or bas gallery and this kind of work became one of the strengths of the company, so that they sold also Waterman and Montblanc pens with their overlays.[6] There is a remarkable production of this pen with an engraving of the David star on the body of the pen (also listed on the packaging) as a result of an agreement between Columbus and the Milan ghetto. The same symbol appears in other models.

In 1927, when the safety hard rubber models were too old, the company faced a crisis and broke up. The two brothers separated, Alfredo Verga founded its own company, the Omega A.V.M. while Eugenio Verga, owning of the Columbus trademark, continued alone creating a personal company with its own name.

Patent excerpt for the new filling system

While maintaining previous models production the new Columbus began to put attention in to technical innovations. A new double channel feeder, used on top line models until the 40s, was created, and the company began testing the use of celluloid. The company tried to position themselves on the market aiming to produce pens which were generally of good quality but sold at the lowest prices possible. In 1929 a new filling system was patented (on the mechanism is imprinted the nº IT-268327, not present in any archive, but the nº GB-334913 is present), essentially an own version of the spoon filler. This patent also has a very interesting story, there is in fact a variant of 1931, the nº CA-327288, that's assigned to the Mabie Todd company, that in that period was about to launch its leverless filler, which creates an unexpected link between these two companies.

A Flat top style Extra

Also in 1929 the Columbus Extra line was introduced, using the new filling system. Since then the name Columbus Extra was used to indicate the high-end production, so under this name were produced a wide variety of different models. Typically all models were further identified by a numerical or literal code. This line, with the same name and the same model numbers, remained in production for about a decade, while undergoing many stylistic and technical changes. Therefore is very difficult to classify with the same name a production that can be highly differentiated.

The pens of the first Columbus Extra line were Flat tops, clear imitation of the Parker Duofold; they were produced in four versions numbered 98, 96, 94 and 80, the first three respectively corresponding to large, medium and small size, and the forth to a lady version (same size of the small, but with cap ring instead of clip). In 1931 the Columbus Extra underwent a restyling following the trend of streamlined shapes, and the cap was decorated with a different cap band. The pens of this period, however, although it were obvious imitations, were of good quality and very elegant. The 98 model remains one of the best pens made at that time.

An Extra model from 1936

Around the 1935 a new faceted Columbus Extra was introduced. The pen was a lever filler, and remained in production until the late '30s. The pen was produced in three sizes, large, medium and small, identified by their initials as Columbus Extra G, Columbus Extra M e Columbus Extra P.[7] It was produced in two version, with three rings or with a greek motif decorated band. The pen was a lever filler, with a wheel clip, similar to the one used on the Doric, and virtually identical to the one used on the same name model produced by Omas.[8]

Also around 1935 the Columbus introduced a new arrow clip, an obvious imitation of the one used by Parker on the Vacumatic model. The new clip was progressively used on many different models, but it was applied primarily on the top models marked Extra. Around 1935,[9] as a result of the good commercial success achieved by its pens, Columbus moved its activities into the new headquarters of Via Lamarmora in Milan, where more space allowed to meet the increased production needs.

In addition to the top line of the various series marked Columbus Extra the company also produced lower price pens simply marked as Columbus, also identified by a numerical code. In the production of the second half of the '30s stand out among these the 30 and Columbus 55 lines. Around 1940, even if there is who gives the origins to the second half of the '30s, the Columbus 25 was introduced to a compact pen with a stylized spear-shaped clip using a button filler system. Although not marked as top line, the pen was provided with very elegant band decorations on the cap, similar to those found on the top models of the Columbus Extra series.

Also in the second half of the '30s, according to the new trend inaugurated by Vacumatic, Columbus started producing models with transparent celluloid that allowed to see the ink level. In this same period there was the birth of the Columbus 112, a plunger filler model. In 1938 the company obtained a patent for a screw piston filler,[10] which had as a consequence the creation of the 100 line, equipped with a piston filler.

During the period between the late '30s and the beginning of the '40s, the company was affected, as for all other European producers, by the effects of the war, and because of the economic difficulties and the supply shortage a drastic simplification of production was made, using only button filler and arrow clip on all models. In 1941 the company launched a model produced exclusively for the army, the Columbus 29 that after was also distributed on the overall market.

In 1942, during a bombing, the factory in Milan on Via Lamarmora was almost completely destroyed,[11], and the production was moved to Lesa, on the shores of Maggiore Lake, with considerable logistical difficulties since the plants were in four different sheds, quite distant from each other. In this period the company merely continued a limited production of existing models without any change or innovation and only in 1946, when the company was able to return to Milan, the production was resumed at full capacity.

In the middle of '40s Columbus introduces the 134 model, a big lever filler pen that was a clear imitation of the Eversharp Skyline. The same model was also produced in the 132 medium size version and in the 130 small version, for ladies. Again in the '40s a piston filler model, the 40, was also produced and the 55 had a restyling, becoming a whole line of pens.

In the '50s, following the market trends set by Parker with the success of the 51, Columbus introduced the 70, an hooded nib model. In this case however the pen was not just an imitation: it was made in celluloid and used a piston filler, it also had a screw cap, and the nib was only partially covered to allow the us of a flexible nib. Like other Italian imitations of the 51, such as the Aurora 88 or the Omas 361 the pen is probably more interesting than the original.

The last series produced in celluloid, the Columbus 90, was introduced approximately in 1951, and was made both with a piston filler or with a special button filler with the back knob not removable, very similar to the Montblanc push-knob. The production of the '50s saw the abandonment of celluloid for the use of cheaper molded plastic, and the production of hooded nib models and other cheap plastic pens for the student market.

In 1957 the founder died, leaving the company in the hands of his son Enrico, but at that time the fountain pen market was drastically shrinking due to the spread of the ballpoint pens. The choice was towards the production for the school and the low end of the market, but the company suffered an inexorable decline. In 1992 the company renmants and the Columbus trademark were sold to Santara Srl that is still producing some modern pens under the same brand.

Model list

The table below lists pages devoted to Columbus models, with a production start date and a discontinuation date; keep in mind, however, that in many cases these dates, particularly the discontinuation date, may simply be indicative.

 Production startedProduction ended
Modelli iniziali Columbus19181927
Columbus Extra - Serie Iniziale19291945
Columbus 3x19351945
Columbus 6519351945
Columbus Extra Faccettata19351941
Columbus 5519361951
Columbus Extra Trasparente19371945
Columbus 10019381955
Columbus 2519401945
Columbus 2919411945
Columbus 5x19461951
Columbus Extra 13x19461959
Columbus Extra 9x19481961
Columbus Extra 4019491955
Columbus Extra 3819491955
Columbus Anni '5019551971


Year Event
1918 the company is founded by Eugenio Verga, Alfredo Verga in Milano as Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga Snc
1922 the company introduced the Columbus 670 model (guess date[12])
1924 the Columbus trademark is registered
1927 the Alfredo Verga dei Fratelli Verga is closed, Eugenio Verga continue Columbus production alone
1929 the company patents its spoon filler
1929 the company introduces the Columbus Extra
1929 the company starts celluloid production
1931 the company introduces the streamlined version of the Columbus Extra
1935 the company introduces the Columbus 3x (guess date, stands for the mid '30s)
1935 the company moved into the new headquarters of Via Lamarmora in Milan
1935 the company introduces the arrow clip (date approximate)
1935 the company introduces the Columbus Extra Faccettata
1936 the company introduces the Columbus 55
1937 the company introduces the Columbus 112 (guess date, stands for the second half of the '30s)
1937 the company introduces on the Columbus Extra a shorter band with chessboard decorations
1937 the company introduces a Columbus Extra version with smooth band and arrow clip
1938 the company introduces the Columbus 10x
1938 the company introduces the piston filler
1940 the company introduces the Columbus 25 (someone reports second half of '30s)
1941 the company introduces the Columbus 29
1942 Columbus factory is destroyed by bombing, production is moved to Lesa
1946 the company introduces the Columbus Extra 13x (or 1948[13])
1946 the company restarts production in Milan factory
1947 the company introduces the economic models 52, 53 and 54 (guess date, stands for postwar)
1948 the company introduces the Columbus Extra 9x
1949 the company introduces the Columbus Extra 40 (guess date, stands for the end of '40s)
1951 the company move the headquarters from via Lamarmora to via Trebbia
1952 the company introduces the Columbus 70 (guess date, stands for the beginning of '50s)
1955 the company production is totally converted to plastic models (guess date, stands for the the mid-50s)

External references

  • [1] A Pen Trace article
  • [2] The website of the company that had bought the trademark, inside there are various interesting historical information


  1. this date is reported in the page on the history of the company in a site dedicated to the brand from the purchaser of the same, but in several annals of the Industrial Yearbook of the Province of Milan (as in this from 1937) the founding is reported in 1916.
  2. meaning Alfredo Verga Society of the Verga Brothers.
  3. Letizia Jacopini reports on "The history of the fountain in Italy," the number 23247,seen in many pens, which presumably refers to the fact that the mark is registered in Vol. 247, Ranked #23 in the register of trade marks.
  4. meaning security guaranteed.
  5. on the historic section on the company site the Columbus 670 is dated to 1924, and there is a commercial letter from 1926 were such models are shown.
  6. as shown in this catalog.
  7. from the italian "Grande" (big), Media (medium) and "Piccola" (small).
  8. although there are no specific documentary references, is a known fact that Eugenio Verga knew and had friendly relations with Armando Simoni; the pens produced by Columbus and Omas have in many cases, materials and finishes virtually identical and because this many conjectures have been made, such as the fact that Omas may have produced for some times some Columbus models, or that the two companies have made joint purchases from the same suppliers.
  9. according to Letizia Jacopini it was in 1936, but this 1935 advertisement is already reporting the new location, while in this page of the Annuario Italiano of 1932, the Corso Roma 80 location is still mentioned, which allows to narrow the interval of the move to these three years.
  10. Letizia Jacopini in his book report it as n° 288327, but this number is too similar to the previous one, nº IT-268327, date ten years befor, and this make that number dubious; the only one other known patent is nº IT-102094, found on hooded nib models produced after WWII and marked Columbus Extra 148 and Columbus Extra 150.
  11. this is also why there are strong uncertainties on many dates, because all the archives were lost in that occasion.
  12. as the archive of the company was destroyed in 1942 after the bombing of their headquarters, many Columbus date are just guessed, referring more to a period than to a specific year, like the first or second half of a decade, or its mid the beginning or end; for more detail just look at chronology on the Columbus page.
  13. on the historical section of the company's website is quoted this date, but others (such as Letizia Jacopini in La Storia della Stilografica in Italia 1900-1950) report 1948, lower limit given by this invoice.