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Versione delle 13:18, 19 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Bayard)
Nel [[1935]] circa<ref>la data è riportata in [https://web.archive.org/web/20131217133442/http://bayard.penandco.com/accueil_us.html qui] ma la pubblicità più antica disponibile che mostra queste variazioni è [[:File:1936-12-Bayard-Models.jpg|questa]] del 1936.</ref> anche la coppia di anelli della [[Superluxe]] ordinaria vennero sostituiti da una nuova banda decorata con un motivo diverso adottata da tutta la serie, al contempo venne modificato anche il fermaglio che assunse una forma a cravatta/lancia, perdendo la stampigliatura ''Bayard''. Nel [[1937]] la serie [[Bayard Luxe|Luxe]] venne sostituita dalla [[Special Luxe]], realizzata in celluloide dai colori marmorizzati, e dotata anch'essa di banda decorata sul cappuccio. Alla fine del [[1938]],<ref>la data è incerta, su [https://web.archive.org/web/20130601100021/http://paperandco.com/blog/2011/10/stylo-plume-bayard-sans-peur-et-sans-reproche questa pagina] viene riportato il 1939, ma il nome è presente su varie pubblicità del dicembre 1938, per cui si assumerà la fine di questo anno.</ref> seguendo la tendenza introdotta dalla [[Vacumatic]] venne introdotto un nuovo modello dotato di fusto trasparente per la visione del livello di inchiostro, denominato [[Niveauclair]].
TraduzioneIn 1935 the [[Superluxe]] cap rings were replaced by a decorated band. The clip of both this model and the ''[[Superluxe|Grosse Capacité]]'' (new name of  ''[[Superluxe|Grosse Containance]]'') model were built in the shape of a tie, but without the ''Bayard'' name engraving. In 1937 a model with an intermediate size between the [[Luxe]] and the [[Superluxe]] was introduced. It was called [[Special Luxe]], and made by marbled colored celluloid,  with the usual decorated band on the cap, which decoration was amended the following year. In 1939, following the trend introduced by the [[Vacumatic]], [[Bayard]] introduced a new model equipped with transparent barrel to stem the ink level vision, called [[Niveauclair]].

In 1935 the Superluxe cap rings were replaced by a decorated band. The clip of both this model and the Grosse Capacité (new name of Grosse Containance) model were built in the shape of a tie, but without the Bayard name engraving. In 1937 a model with an intermediate size between the Luxe and the Superluxe was introduced. It was called Special Luxe, and made by marbled colored celluloid, with the usual decorated band on the cap, which decoration was amended the following year. In 1939, following the trend introduced by the Vacumatic, Bayard introduced a new model equipped with transparent barrel to stem the ink level vision, called Niveauclair.