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Versione delle 13:19, 19 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Bayard)
Nel [[1946]] circa vennero ristilizzati, seguendo le nuove tendenze d'oltreoceano, le varie serie di modelli di successo come la [[Special 8]], la [[Le 4 de Bayard|Le 4]] la [[Special Luxe]] e la [[Superstyl]]; queste ultime con linee completamente ogivale e nuove forme per il fermaglio. Nel [[1949]] venne introdotto anche una ulteriore variante del modello [[Superstyl]] con cappuccio in metallo, nello stesso anno l'azienda lanciò altri nuovi modelli: la [[Super Bayard]] come nuovo modello di punta, e la [[Capostyl]] con pennino coperto, entrambe con [[caricamento a pulsante]].
TraduzioneIn 1947 the most successful models like the [[Special 8]], the [[Special Luxe]] and the [[Bayard 4|4]] underwent a restyling following the overseas trends. In 1949 also the [[Superstyl]] had a restyling, and was produced with a more streamlined shape without the double "V" pattern on the clip. In the same year the company launched some other models: the [[Special Luxe]], the [[Capostil]] with ''[[hooded nib]]'', and an economic version of the [[Special 8]]. All of them were [[lever filler]].

In 1947 the most successful models like the Special 8, the Special Luxe and the 4 underwent a restyling following the overseas trends. In 1949 also the Superstyl had a restyling, and was produced with a more streamlined shape without the double "V" pattern on the clip. In the same year the company launched some other models: the Special Luxe, the Capostil with hooded nib, and an economic version of the Special 8. All of them were lever filler.