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Versione delle 01:14, 28 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Montegrappa)
[[Immagine:Logo-Montegrappa.svg|center|400px|Logo Elmo Montegrappa]]
Traduzione[[Montegrappa]] contends to [[Tibaldi]] and [[Aurora]] for the primacy of beeing first Italian fountain pens producer. Although the company is undoubtedly the oldest of three, it was founded as a manufacturer of nibs for fountain pens, whose production seems rather starting back to the early 20's. The company, along with [[Aurora]] and [[Omas]] is one of the longest living Italian producers, remained in operation until the present day. In 2001 the company was purchased by the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richemont Richemont group] (the same owner of [[Montblanc]]).

Montegrappa contends to Tibaldi and Aurora for the primacy of beeing first Italian fountain pens producer. Although the company is undoubtedly the oldest of three, it was founded as a manufacturer of nibs for fountain pens, whose production seems rather starting back to the early 20's. The company, along with Aurora and Omas is one of the longest living Italian producers, remained in operation until the present day. In 2001 the company was purchased by the Richemont group (the same owner of Montblanc).