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Versione delle 15:47, 2 apr 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Osmia)
Nello stesso periodo continuò la produzione a marchio [[Osmia]], con penne [[rientranti]] in ebanite rosso/nera, penne a levetta e matite meccaniche, per le quali restava anche il logo originale sul cappuccio. Intorno al [[1930]] la [[Parker]] si ritirò dato che le vendite della [[Duofold]] non avevano avuto un grande successo a causa del prezzo troppo elevato per il mercato tedesco e del pennino troppo rigido. L'azienda venne posta in liquidazione e nel 1932 il marchio e gli assetti proprietari venno rilevati dalla ''"Osmia Füllhalter-Fabrik G. m. b. H."'',<ref>come si può ricavare da quanto riportato in [[:File:1932-Papierhandler-Osmia-Liquidation.jpg|questa notizia]].</ref> sotto la direzione dei fratelli Böhler. Venne lanciata una nuova linea, la [[Osmia Supra]], simile alle [[Duofold]], con un caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]] perfezionato, ed il logo in ottone smaltato sulla cima del cappuccio.
TraduzioneDuring the same period the company continued to produce under the [[Osmia]] brand, with [[mottled]] hard rubber [[safety]] pens, [[lever filler]] pens and mechanical pencils, which remained the original logo on the cap. Around 1930, [[Parker]] withdrew because the sales of [[Duofold]] did not have a great success because of a price too high for the German market, and a too rigid nib. The activity went on (or was given) to [[Osmia|Osmia Gmbh]], again under the direction of the Böhler brothers. It was launched a new line, the [[Osmia Supra]], similar to the [[Duofold]], with an improved [[button filler]], and a brass enameled logo on top of the cap.

During the same period the company continued to produce under the Osmia brand, with mottled hard rubber safety pens, lever filler pens and mechanical pencils, which remained the original logo on the cap. Around 1930, Parker withdrew because the sales of Duofold did not have a great success because of a price too high for the German market, and a too rigid nib. The activity went on (or was given) to Osmia Gmbh, again under the direction of the Böhler brothers. It was launched a new line, the Osmia Supra, similar to the Duofold, with an improved button filler, and a brass enameled logo on top of the cap.