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Versione delle 02:24, 11 set 2014

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Definizione del messaggio (Tibaldi)
Registratasi come la ''Prima e più importante fabbrica italiana di Penne Stilografiche'', la ''G. Tibaldi e C.'' é sicuramente fra le più antiche fabbriche italiane di penne stilografiche; questo primato le è disputato sia dalla [[Montegrappa]], che fa risalire le sue origini a quattro anni prima, che dalla [[Nettuno]] le cui tracce iniziali risalgono addirittura al 1911. La [[Montegrappa]] però iniziò la produzione di stilografiche solo negli anni '20, essendo nata come produttore di pennini, e pertanto non può essere considerata la prima fabbrica produttrice di stilografiche, essendo in questo posteriore anche alla [[Aurora]]. La [[Nettuno]], dai pochi dati disponibili, sembra essere stata una semplice impresa familiare in cui assemblavano penne destinate al proprio negozio, la registrazione della ditta è comunque del 1916 come per la ''Tibaldi'' e la produzione effettiva di stilografiche anche in questo caso è da porsi a partire dagli anni '20, il che di nuovo non la qualifica né come fabbrica di stilografiche, né come produttore a tutti gli effetti. L'unica produzione documentata antecedente è quella della [[Uhlmann's Eterno]], di cui ci sono tracce fin dal 1913.
TraduzioneSelf-registerd as the ''First and most important Italian manufacturer of Fountain Pens'' the ''G. Tibaldi e C.'' is certainly one of the oldest factories Italian fountain pens; this record is disputed both by [[Montegrappa]], which traces its origins to four years before, and [[Nettuno]] whose initial traces date back to 1911. [[Montegrappa]], however, began production fountain pens only in the 20s, being born as a nibs manufacturer, and therefore cannot considered the first fountain pens factory, being in this back even to the [[Aurora]]. The [[Nettuno]], from the limited data available, it appears to have been a simple family business where pens were assembled for their shop, the registration of the company is, however, as of 1916 for the [[Tibaldi]] and the actual production of fountain pens also in this case is to ask starting from the 20s, which again does not qualify as either factory fountain pens, nor as a producer to all effects. The only documented antecedent production is the [[Uhlmann's Eterno]] one, of which there are traces as early as 1913.

Self-registerd as the First and most important Italian manufacturer of Fountain Pens the G. Tibaldi e C. is certainly one of the oldest factories Italian fountain pens; this record is disputed both by Montegrappa, which traces its origins to four years before, and Nettuno whose initial traces date back to 1911. Montegrappa, however, began production fountain pens only in the 20s, being born as a nibs manufacturer, and therefore cannot considered the first fountain pens factory, being in this back even to the Aurora. The Nettuno, from the limited data available, it appears to have been a simple family business where pens were assembled for their shop, the registration of the company is, however, as of 1916 for the Tibaldi and the actual production of fountain pens also in this case is to ask starting from the 20s, which again does not qualify as either factory fountain pens, nor as a producer to all effects. The only documented antecedent production is the Uhlmann's Eterno one, of which there are traces as early as 1913.