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Versione delle 23:17, 16 feb 2015

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Definizione del messaggio (Olo)
Seguendo i cambiamenti della produzione [[Aurora]] anche i modelli della ''Olo'' vennero rinnovati nella prima metà degli anni '30, con l'introduzione della [[Olo Lusso]], prodotta in due misure, grande e media, con la stessa clip della [[Superna]] fissata sul cappuccio con una testina metallica dotata di un tassello a vite. La penna era realizzata in celluloide tornita dal pieno nei colori marmorizzati e a linee incrociate dei modelli [[Aurora]] dello stesso periodo e prodotta sia con finiture cromate che dorate. Il logo ''OLO'' era riportato o sulla sezione o sul corpo.
TraduzioneFollowing the changes in the [[Aurora]] production alsothe [[Olo]] models were renewed in the first half of the '30s, with the introduction of the [[Olo Lusso]], produced in two sizes, large and medium, with the same clip of [[Superna]] attached to the cap with a metal head with a dowel screw. The pen was made of celluloid machined from solid barrel in the same marbled and crossed lines colors of the [[Aurora]] models of the same period and was produced with chrome and golden trim. The ''OLO'' logo was reported or on section or on the body.

Following the changes in the Aurora production alsothe Olo models were renewed in the first half of the '30s, with the introduction of the Olo Lusso, produced in two sizes, large and medium, with the same clip of Superna attached to the cap with a metal head with a dowel screw. The pen was made of celluloid machined from solid barrel in the same marbled and crossed lines colors of the Aurora models of the same period and was produced with chrome and golden trim. The OLO logo was reported or on section or on the body.