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Versione delle 00:55, 9 mar 2012

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Definizione del messaggio (Conway Stewart)
In questo periodo le penne della [[Conway Stewart]] erano prodotte con uno stile più affusolato, seguendo la tendenza dello ''[[streamlined]]'' in voga oltreoceano. Nel [[1932]] il fermaglio venne realizzato con la parte superiore [[washer clip|ad anello]], molto simile a quello della [[Duofold]], e bloccato sul cappuccio da una testina in [[ebanite]]; nel [[1935]] venne introdotta la clip con la punta a forma di diamante, che da allora contraddistinguerà i modelli dell'azienda in tutti gli anni successivi.
TraduzioneIn this period [[Conway Stewart]] fountain pens were produced with different style, following the trend of ''[[streamlined]]'' pens popular overseas. In 1932 a new ''[[washer clip]]'' was introduced, very similar to the [[Duofold]] one, that was locked on the cap by an hard rubber head. In 1935 a new clip with a diamond shaped tip was introduced, that became a characteristics of [[Conway Steward]] pens for all the following years.

In this period Conway Stewart fountain pens were produced with different style, following the trend of streamlined pens popular overseas. In 1932 a new washer clip was introduced, very similar to the Duofold one, that was locked on the cap by an hard rubber head. In 1935 a new clip with a diamond shaped tip was introduced, that became a characteristics of Conway Steward pens for all the following years.