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Benché non sia altrettanto famosa di [[Aurora]] e [[Omas]], la [[Ancora]] è stata una delle più importanti marche storiche di stilografiche italiane. Nonostante l'azienda non abbia mai introdotto invenzioni tecniche di rilevanza significativa, né lo stile si sia mai distinto per particolare originalità ed innovazione, presentando modelli spesso chiaramente ispirati a quelli delle altre marche più note, le penne dell'[[Ancora]] erano comunque di ottima qualità, distinguendosi in particolare per la lavorazione della celluloide, proposta in colori molto belli ed originali.
Although not famous as [[Aurora]] and [[Omas]], [[Ancora]] is one of the most important brands in the Italian fountain pen history. While the brand did not created relevant technical inventions, nor distinguished itself for design originality and innovation, often producing models clearly inspired by those of the most famous brands, the pens that [[Ancora]] produced were excellent, and remarkable for the quality of their celluloid, proposed in beautiful and original colors.
Come tutti gli altri produttori di penne stilografiche [[Ancora]] accusò pesantemente la grande crisi dovuta all'avvento della penna a sfera usa e getta, subendo un progressivo declino fino alla chiusura definitiva avvenuta nel 1975. Oggi il marchio è ancora presente sul mercato essendo stato risuscitato nel 1988, come avvenuto per altre ditte storiche, per usarlo nella produzione di stilografiche moderne.{{Infobox_Marca|Ancora}}
The company was between the most relevant Italian brands up to '50s, but as it was for all the other fountain pen manufacturers, she underwent the crisis due to the advent of the ballpoint pen that caused its gradual decline until the final closure in 1975. Like it happened for other historical companies, the brand [[Ancora]] was reused starting from 1988 for the production of modern fountain pens.{{Infobox_Brand|Ancora}}
== Storia ==
La [[Ancora]] venne fondata (secondo quanto riportato da A. Lambrou ed altri) da ''Giuseppe Zanini'',<ref>oltre alla data della fondazione, un'altro punto incerto riguardo le origini dell'azienda è proprio il cognome del suo fondatore, si trovano infatti sia documenti in cui viene riportato il cognome ''Zannini'', con due "n", sia il semplice Zanini, su questo sono state avanzate diverse ipotesi, ma in sostanza la questione resta irrisolta.</ref> a Sesto Calende, sulle rive del Lago Maggiore, nel 1909. Non è noto da quale fonte Lambrou desuma una data così lontana, e nel sito ufficiale dell'azienda pur non essendo indicate fonti certe l'origine dell'azienda viene riportata al 1919 a Bologna,<ref>il sito dell'azienda non è comunque molto affidabile, c'è un clamoroso errore nella data di nascita di Zanini, trascritta malamente in 1897 quando sul certificato di nascita pubblicato sul sito stesso si nota la data corretta del 1879, e nel seguito si parla di una produzione di penne chiamate...  ''Aurora''.</ref> consistente con quanto indicato da molti altri.<ref>il riferimento principale resta il testo di Letizia Jacopini, ''La storia della stilografica in Italia 1900-1950''.</ref> Infine in [[:Categoria:Ancora_Documents|alcune fatture]] del 1941 si fa riferimento ad una ''Casa fondata nel 1902'' (che presumibilmente fa riferimento all'inizio delle attività commerciali di Zanini, e non alla fondazione della azienda).
The [[Ancora]] date of foundation is not known with certainty and there are conflicting versions.<ref>in addition to its foundation date, another point that has long remained uncertain regarding the company's origins is the surname of its founder as well documents in which the surname ''Zannini,'' with two ''n's,'' as well as the simple Zanini have been found; various hypotheses have been put forward, but the answer was provided directly by Zanini's nephew, who [https://www.penciclopedia.it/681/errata-corrige-leta-di-giuseppe-zanini/#comment-19646 tells] how this change was obtained by the court, and made because of homonymy with a well-known gangster of the time.</ref> According to A. Lambrou, it was founded in 1909 by ''Giuseppe Zanini'', in Sesto Calende, on the shores of the Lago Maggiore, but it is not known from which source Lambrou infers such a distant date; on the company's official website, although sources are not indicated again, the origin of the company was reported to 1919 in Bologna,<ref>but the company's website was not very reliable, there was a big error in the Zanini birth date, badly transcribed in 1897 when the birth certificate posted on the website (no more present) showed the correct date of 1879, also present in the start of activities registration.</ref> which is consistent with what has been indicated by others.<ref>The main reference is, however, the Letizia Jacopini book in which various documentary evidences are reported.</ref> Finally, [[:Categoria:Ancora_Documents|some invoces]] from 1941 are showing the claim ''Casa fondata nel 1902'', but this almost certainly refers to the begininng of Zanini commercial activities, not to [[Ancora]] foundation. According to reports from the founder's grandson, in fact, Zanini together with his wife Ester Marzari ran an emporium in Schio (Vicenza) where they sold everything including stationery, and it is likely that the starting year listed in said invoice refers to this.  
La storia iniziale della [[Ancora]] resta pertanto alquanto incerta, di certo si sa che Zanini iniziò le sue attività nel campo degli oggetti da scrittura a Bologna, dove pare fosse in contatto con ''Armando Simoni'' (fondatore della [[OMAS]]), e dove esistono tracce della sua attività fin dal 1918.<ref>nel libro ''La storia della stilografica in Italia 1900-1950'' Letizia Jacopini pubblica una denuncia di inizio attività per la ditta ''Arti Grafiche - Giuseppe Zanini'' del 22 febbraio 1918.</ref> Nel 1920 poi fondò con un socio, tale Clerici, una propria azienda denominata ''Fabbrica e Commercio di Penne Stilografiche e Raffinati Oggetti per Arti Grafiche''. La produzione di questi primi anni non era ancora chiaramente identificata dal marchio [[Ancora]]. Nel sito ufficiale dell'attuale detentore del marchio viene riportato l'acquisto di un negozio di cancelleria a Bologna e l'inizio della produzione di stilografiche nel 1919. Sarebbe assai poco credibile che avendo fondato una azienda produttrice di stilografiche già nel 1909 si sarebbe poi messo a fondare una attività di arti grafiche a Bologna nel 1918.  
[[Ancora]] initial history is quite clouded, we know for sure that Zanini began its activities in the field of writing articles in Bologna, where apparently he was in contact with ''Armando Simoni'' (founder of [[OMAS]]) and where there are traces of his activities dating back to [[1918]].<ref>in the Letizia Jacopini book ''La storia della stilografica in Italia 1900-1950'' is published a report of start of activities for the ''Arti Grafiche - Giuseppe Zanini'' dated February 22, 1918, and in [https://www.penciclopedia.it/681/errata-corrige-leta-di-giuseppe-zanini/#comment-19646 his intervention] Zanini's nephew indicates that Zanini moved to Bologna during World War I, meeting, and perhaps collaborating, with Armando Simoni.</ref> In [[1920]] he founded with a partner, Clerici, a company named ''Fabbrica e Commercio di Penne Stilografiche e Raffinati Oggetti per Arti Grafiche''.<ref>meaning ''Factory and commerce of fountain pens and fine objects for graphic arts''.</ref> The production of these early years was not yet clearly identified by the trademark [[Ancora]]. The official website of the actual trademark holder reports the purchase of a stationery shop in Bologna and the beginning of the production of fountain pens in 1919.  
La collaborazione con Clerici continuò fino al 1924, quando Zanini fondò una sua attività personale, con ragione sociale ''Fabbrica di penne stilografiche e commercio, stampe in genere e riproduzioni opere d'arte''. Nel 1925 l'attività, fino allora riferita all'abitazione personale di Zanini di via Irnerio 19f a Bologna, venne trasferita a Sesto Calende.<ref>per entrambe le date si fa riferimento a quanto riportato nel suo libro da Letizia Jacopini, dopo l'esame dei documenti della Camera di Commercio di Bologna.</ref> Il marchio [[Ancora]] venne comunque depositato solo nel 1929 ({{Marchio|40112}}). Nel 19xx con la morte del fondatore, il figlio Alfredo subentrò nella gestione fino al 1975, quando l'azienda chiuse. Nel 1938 la sede venne spostata ad Arona, dove furono creati gli stabilimenti veri e propri.
The collaboration with Clerici continued until [[1924]], when Zanini founded his personal company, with the name ''Fabbrica di penne stilografiche e commercio, stampe in genere e riproduzioni opere d'arte''.<ref>meaning ''Factory for fountain pens, prints and art reprints''.</ref> In [[1925]], the activity thus far hosted in Zanini own house, was moved to Sesto Calende. The [[Ancora]] trademark ({{Marchio|40112}}) was indeed registered only in [[1929]]. In the mid-1930s Zanini moved to Arona and with the collaboration of his children (Alfredo, Maria, Adele, Giuseppe, Franco, Antonio) began construction of a new factory; the headquarters were moved to Arona in [[1938]]. In the early 1940s with the death of the founder (which occurred on 7/7/1940), the sons continued the activities and in about 1950 Alfredo took over the management, acquiring the brand and continuing the activities until [[1975]], when the company closed.
[[Image:1950-Ancora.jpg|thumb|left|Pubblicità della [[Lusso]] degli anni '50.]]
[[File:1952-11-Ancora-Lusso.jpg|thumb|left|An [[Ancora]] advertisement from '50 for the [[Lusso]] model.]]
Purtroppo la datazione dei modelli prodotti dalla [[Ancora]] è estremamente incerta e approssimata, dato che non esistono quasi cataloghi e listini. La produzione iniziale era costituita da penne realizzate in maniera piuttosto convenzionale con il classico [[safety|caricamento di sicurezza]], costruite sia in [[BCHR|ebanite cesellata]] che, per i modelli di maggior pregio, con [[overlay|rivestimenti]] in metallo decorato. Quest'ultimo era in genere placcato oro a 18k, anche se sono stati rinvenuti esemplari in oro massiccio; non pare invece essere stato usato l'argento. In genere questi rivestimenti sono marchiati con il nome [[Ancora]] in lettere maiuscolo sul bordo inferiore del cappuccio, ma taluni riportano sulla testa dello stesso il logo della ditta, un'ancora, in smalto bianco e blu, che veniva usata anche sui modelli in ebanite.
Unfortunately [[Ancora]] models history is highly clouded, because there are no catalogs or model listings. The [[Ancora]] initial production consisted of relatively conventional pens with the classic [[safety]] filler. They were made in [[BCHR|chased hard rubber]], but some luxury model were produced with gold filled [[overlay]]s; these were usually made in 18k gold plated metal, some full gold models have been found, but apparently silver was never used. Typically, these [[overlay]]s are marked with the [[Ancora]] name in uppercase letters at the bottom of the cap, but some have the company logo, an anchor, in blue over white enamel on the top of the cap. The same decoration can be found also on the hard rubber models.
Fin dagli anni '20 alle rientranti marcate ''[[Ancora]]'' venne affiancata la sottomarca ''[[Rapid]]'', rimasta in produzione fino circa gli anni '40. La sottomarca era associata esclusivamente alle penne rientranti realizzate con [[overlay|rivestimenti]] in metalli preziosi, marcate col nome ''Rapid'' e le lettere "G. Z." all'interno di un rombo sul cappuccio; il pennino era marchiato ''Ancora'' oppure ''Warranted'' con una incisione di un'ancora e le iniziali "G.Z.". In questa linea, in particolar modo negli anni '30, sono state prodotte alcune delle lavorazioni [[overlay]] più raffinate ed eleganti dell'epoca.
Since the '20s the ''[[Ancora]]'' branded [[safety|safeties]] were joined by the sub-brand ''[[Rapid]]'', that remained in production until about the '40s. This sub-brand was associated only with pens made with precious metal [[overlay]], that were marked with the name ''Rapid'' and the letters "G.Z." within a diamond on the cap. The nib was still marked ''Ancora'' or ''Warranted'' with an engraving of an anchor and the initials "G.Z." Whitin this line, especially in the '30s, have been designed some [[overlay]] with the most refined and elegant decorations of that time.
Intorno al 1930 vennero prodotti i [[Ancora Flat-top|primi modelli]] in [[celluloide]], chiaramente ispirati alla [[Duofold]] della [[Parker]], con le estremità in ebanite nera, la clip a pallina ed il caricamento a [[pulsante di fondo]]. Questi modelli vennero prodotti in due dimensioni in celluloide marmorizzata o nero o in tinta unita. Ad essi seguirono modelli con le estremità leggermente affusolate, prodotti anche in celluloide a colori vivaci, ad oggi molto rari ed estremamente ricercati dai collezionisti.
Around 1930 [[Ancora]] produced the [[Ancora Flat-top|first celluloid models]], clearly inspired by the [[Parker]] [[Duofold]], with hard rubber black ends, a ball clip and [[button filler]]. These models were produced in two sizes, using marbled, black or single colored celluloid. They were soon followed by other models with slightly tapered end, produced in a colorful celluloid; now these early celluloid model are very rare and highly sought by collectors.
[[Image:Ancora-Flattop-Rossa-Open.jpg|thumb|Una [[Ancora]] tipo [[Duofold]] ]]
[[Image:Ancora-Flattop-Rossa-Open.jpg|thumb|A [[Duofold]]-like [[Ancora]] ]]
Nei primi anni '30 venne poi introdotto come modello di punta dell'azienda l'[[Ancora Duplex]], con [[caricamento a levetta]], prodotta in quattro diverse dimensioni: da signora, media, grande e oversize. La clip era a rotellina (analoga a quella usata nei primi modelli delle [[Doric]]), ed il cappuccio presentava tre verette, a queste si aggiungevano altre tre verette decorative, la prima posta in testa al cappuccio, e le altre due sul corpo, in corrispondenza al cappuccio e sul fondo dello stesso. Tutte le finiture erano placcate oro, e le penne montavano un pennino marcato ''Ancora'' a 14 carati. Del modello esistono anche delle versioni alternative, con caricamento [[pulsante di fondo]], fermaglio a pallina, una sola veretta e colorazioni particolari della celluloide prodotte solo in tre misure, tutte però riportano il logo dell'ancora e la dicitura [[Ancora Duplex]] marchiata sul corpo della penna.  
In the first years of '30s [[Ancora]] introduced a new top model, the [[Ancora Duplex|Duplex]] a more streamlined [[lever filler]] pen, produced in four different sizes: lady, medium, senior and oversize. The [[Duplex]] had a wheel clip (like the one used on the first [[Doric]] models), with three cap rings on the bottom of the cap, one on the top and other two rings on the barrel: one just under the cap and at the other at the end. All finishes were gold plated, and the nib was 14k gold. There are also alternate versions, with [[button filler]], a ball clip, with a single ring on the bottom of the cap and different celluloid patterns and colors produced in just three sizes, but all have the anchor logo and the words [[Ancora Duplex|Duplex]] marked on the body of the pen.  
[[Image:Ancora-Maxima-Blue-Open.jpg|thumb|Una [[Maxima]].]]
[[Image:Ancora-Dama-RingedGray-Open.jpg|thumb|A [[Da-Ma]].]]
Alla fine degli anni '30 vennero introdotti due nuovi modelli alta qualità, denominati rispettivamente [[Da-Ma]] e [[Maxima]]. Entrambi vennero realizzati in diversi colori ed anche in una bellissima celluloide laminata trasparente, simile a quella della [[Vacumatic]]. Le penne vennero dotato di un innovativo sistema di caricamento a [[siringa rovesciata]], con una clip a ruzzolina dorata e tre verette sul cappuccio. La differenza fra i due modelli era che la [[Maxima]] era tonda, mentre la [[Da-Ma]] faccettata, come una [[Doric]] (o come una [[Extra]]), ed era disponibile in quattro dimensioni contro le due della [[Maxima]]. Della [[Da-Ma]] venne prodotta anche una versione con [[caricamento a levetta]], inoltre la penna era dotata di un bellissimo pennino bicolore che riproduceva il logo dell'ancora.  
In the late '30s two new models, called [[Da-Ma]] and [[Maxima]] were produced. They were high quality pens made in many beautiful colors, using also a laminated transparent celluloid similar to the one used on the [[Vacumatic]]. The pens were equipped with an innovative [[siringa rovesciata|plunger vacuum filling]] system, with a gold plated roller clip and three cap rings. The difference between the two model was that [[Maxima]] was rounded when the [[Da-Ma]] was faceted, like a [[Doric]] (or an [[Omas Extra]]). The [[Da-Ma]], was also produced in a [[lever filler]] version, and in four sizes, when the [[Maxima]] only had two sizes, it also had a two-tone nib featuring the logo of the anchor.  
Lanciata da una vasta campagna pubblicitaria la [[Da-Ma]] riscosse un buon successo commerciale, ma il sistema di caricamento, per quanto innovativo, risultò essere molto fragile dal punto di vista meccanico; molte penne dovettero tornare in fabbrica dove il sistema di caricamento venne modificato in un [[pulsante di fondo]], perdendo così la trasparenza del corpo penna.  
Launched by a large advertising campaign, the [[Da-Ma]] model was a good selling success, but the filling system, as it was innovative, proved to be very fragile from a mechanical point of view. Many pens went back to the factory, where the filling system was changed to a [[button filler]], losing the transparency of the pen body.  
Nello stesso periodo vennero prodotte anche altri modelli in celluloide con il più semplice [[caricamento a levetta]] o a [[pulsante di fondo]], di prezzo più basso rispetto alla [[Da-Ma]], ma sempre di alta qualità, con tre verrete sul cappuccio ed una clip terminante con una punta con tre piegature a forma di zampa di felino. Non è nota una denominazione specifica per questi modelli, che venivano prodotti con finiture dorate o cromate, queste ultime (in produzione dalla fine degli anni '30 ai primi degli anni '40) erano associate ai pennini in acciaio, realizzati in una lega denominata ''[[Zanio]]''.
During the same period [[Ancora]] produced other models in celluloid, with the more common [[lever filler|lever]] or [[button filler]]. Sold at a lowest price relative to [[Da-Ma]], they still were high quality pens, equipped with three cap rings and a different clip with a three folded lion foot shaped end. There is no a known name for these models, which were produced with gold or chrome finishes; the latter (produced from the late '30s to the early 40s) were associated with steel nibs, made of an alloy called ''[[Zanio]]''
[[Image:1948-05-Ancora.jpg|thumb|Pubblicità della [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]] degli anni '50.]]
[[Image:1948-05-Ancora.jpg|thumb|An [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]] advertisement from '50.]]
[[Image:Ancora-Lusso-Red-Posted.jpg|thumb|left|Una [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]].]]
[[Image:Ancora-Lusso-Red-Posted.jpg|thumb|left|A [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]].]]
Nel dopoguerra venne introdotto il modello [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]], nella particolare forma a siluro, ripresa anche dalla clip, che veniva decorata con il logo dell'ancora in un ovale smaltato. Il modello venne prodotto in quattro misure, e realizzato in celluloide anellata trasparente in una gran varietà di colori. Alcuni modelli vennero realizzati con cappuccio in metallo laminato oro e corpo in celluloide laminata. Vennero anche prodotte delle versioni con [[caricamento a levetta]] in una grande varietà di celluloide marmorizzata e venata di diversi colori.  
After the war the [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]] model was introduced. It was a torpedo shaped pen, and also the clip reminded the same shape and had the anchor logo on it inside an enameled oval. The [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]] was produced in four sizes, and made with transparent ringed celluloid in many different colors. The cap was decorated with tree ring, but some models were made with a gold plated or laminated cap, decorated with a top celluloid inlaid. There also produced some alternate [[lever filler]] model in a variety of marbled, veined or rolled colors.  
A fianco della linea [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]] vennero prodotte anche penne di fascia inferiore, sempre in celluloide marmorizzata, venata o anellata, ma dotate di [[caricamento a levetta]]. Prodotte in tre misure si trattava di penne di forma meno affusolata con un fermaglio diritto ed una sola veretta sul cappuccio. Continuarono inoltre ad essere prodotte anche penne in celluloide di forme più convenzionali e clip sagomata, fornite anche con [[caricamento a stantuffo]] e a [[pulsante di fondo]].  
Alongside the [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]] models were also introduced some lower prices [[lever filler]] models, always celluloid made, produced in many different marbled, veined or ringed colors, with a straight clip and a single ring on the cap. Were also produced some more traditional models, always in celluloid, equipped with [[lever filler]], [[piston filler]] or [[button filler]] loading system.  
Alla fine degli anni '40 anche la [[Ancora]], cercando di inseguire il successo della [[Parker 51]] introdusse un modello a [[hooded nib|pennino coperto]], denominato [[Calamus]], realizzato con [[caricamento a stantuffo]], e prodotto in quattro dimensioni e quattro diversi colori a tinta unita: nero, grigio, bordeaux e blu. La penna venne prodotta in due versioni, con pennino totalmente coperto o parzialmente coperto. I cappucci erano in metallo placcato oro con una incastonatura in celluloide sulla testa, mentre sul corpo era riportata l'incisione del nome del modello. I modelli iniziali riportano anche il logo ancora smaltato sulla clip.  
In the late '40s [[Ancora]], trying to follow the [[Parker 51]] success, introduced an [[hooded nib]] pen, called [[Calamus]]. It was a [[piston filler]] pen with the same shape and finishes of the [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]], produced in four different sizes in full metal or with metal cap and plastic body with four different colors: black, gray, burgundy and blue. There were two version of the pen, with a partially covered nib and an gold filled overlaid section, and  with fully covered nib. The cap was still made in gold-plated metal with a celluloid inlay in the top, while the body was engraved with the name of the model. The first [[Calamus]] models were produced having an enameled logo on the clip. During all the '50s [[Ancora]] continued also to produce traditional celluloid models.  
Della [[Ancora]] sono note due sottomarche, la prima, come già accennato, è la ''[[Rapid]]'' che venne usata solo per i modelli [[safety]] rivestiti in metalli preziosi, la seconda è la ''[[Goliarda]]'' con cui l'azienda marcava la produzione dedicata al mercato studentesco, in questo caso si tratta in genere di penne poco costose, ma comunque eleganti e di buona costruzione, prodotte fin dagli anni '20. Queste penne venivano sempre marchiate con il nome ''Goliarda'', le prime penne a [[safety|caricamento di sicurezza]] presentavano solo la dicitura ''Goliarda - Marchio Depositato'' senza nessun riferimento ad [[Ancora]], i modelli successivi avevano la scritta ''Goliarda'' riportata sopra il logo dell'ancora.
There are also two [[Ancora]] sub-brands; the first one is the ''[[Rapid]]'', a name which was used only for [[safety]] models produced with precious metal [[overlay]]s. The second one is the ''[[Goliarda]]'' a name that the the company used for the production dedicated to the student market; these are generally inexpensive pens, but still elegant and quite good on construction, produced from back to the '20s. They were always marked ''Goliarda'', the first [[safety]] model were only marked ''Goliarda - Marchio Depositato'' with no reference to [[Ancora]], later models used the anchor logo.
Negli anni successivi l'azienda, come tutti gli altri costruttori di penne stilografiche, subì un progressivo declino dovuto alla crisi creata dall'introduzione della penna a sfera, ma continuò a produrre modelli in plastica ad iniezione con caricamento a stantuffo di buona qualità, non raggiunse mai comunque il successo dei suoi anni d'oro e nel 1975 venne definitivamente chiusa, anche se oggi il marchio è stato riportato in attività per la produzione di penne moderne.
During '50s and '60s, the company, like almost all fountain pen manufacturers, underwent a steady decline as it was hardly hit by the crisis due to the introduction of the ballpoint pen. [[Ancora]] continued to produce some [[piston filler]] plastic models, however its fountain pens never reached the success of its best years, and in 1975 the company ceased operations.
| 1919  || ''Giuseppe Zanini'' acquista un negozio a Bologna ed inizia la produzione di stilografiche
| 1920  || ''Giuseppe Zanini'' fonda la  ''Fabbrica e Commercio di Penne Stilografiche e Raffinati Oggetti per Arti Grafiche''
| 1924  || Nascita della [[Ancora]] come ''Fabbrica di penne stilografiche e commercio, stampe in genere e riproduzioni opere d'arte''
| 1925  || La produzione viene portata a Sesto Calende
| 1927~ || (data indicativa<ref name="date_ancora">le date relative alle introduzioni di modelli e caratteristiche sono puramente indicative, l'anno usato è una indicazione approssimata e fa riferimento ad un intervallo (con valori che possono essere maggiori o minori fino a due anni rispetto a quanto indicato).</ref>) Nascita della sottomarca [[Rapid]]
| 1930~ || (data indicativa<ref name="date_ancora"/>) Inizio della produzione in celluloide
| 1932~ || (data indicativa<ref name="date_ancora"/>) Introdotto il modello [[Ancora Duplex|Duplex]]
| 1938~ || (data indicativa<ref>limite superiore per la data di introduzione, a causa della presenza del modello [[Da-Ma]] in [[:File:1938-Ancora-Dama.jpg|questa pubblicità]] del 1938.</ref>) Introdotti i modelli [[Da-Ma]] e [[Maxima]]
| 1938  || La produzione viene portata ad Arona
| 1945~ || (data indicativa<ref name="date_ancora"/>) Introdotto il modello [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]]
| 1949~ || (data indicativa<ref name="date_ancora"/>) Introdotto il modello [[Calamus]]
| 1975  || [[Ancora]] chiude definitivamente i battenti
== External references ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20071228211800/http://xoomer.alice.it/leiacopi/ancora.htm] An old page by Letizia Jacopini
| [[Ancora Duplex|Duplex]] || 1932 ? || ?
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20211016184950/https://www.ancora1919.com/it/history-and-production/] History section (deleted, and without the documents initially present) of the official site.
* [https://www.penciclopedia.it/681/errata-corrige-leta-di-giuseppe-zanini/#comment-19646] A statement by Giuseppe Zanini's grandson who also clarifies the reason for the two surnames.
| [[Da-Ma]] || 1938~|| ?
== Notes ==
| [[Maxima]] || 1938~ || ?
| [[Ancora Lusso|Lusso]] || 1945 ? || ?
| [[Calamus]] || 1949 ? || ?
== Note ==
== Riferimenti esterni ==
* http://xoomer.alice.it/leiacopi/ancora.htm
* http://www.italianfountainpenacademy.it/storia/usa/ancora.htm
* http://www.ancora1919.com/it/history/

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Ancora Logo

Although not famous as Aurora and Omas, Ancora is one of the most important brands in the Italian fountain pen history. While the brand did not created relevant technical inventions, nor distinguished itself for design originality and innovation, often producing models clearly inspired by those of the most famous brands, the pens that Ancora produced were excellent, and remarkable for the quality of their celluloid, proposed in beautiful and original colors.

The company was between the most relevant Italian brands up to '50s, but as it was for all the other fountain pen manufacturers, she underwent the crisis due to the advent of the ballpoint pen that caused its gradual decline until the final closure in 1975. Like it happened for other historical companies, the brand Ancora was reused starting from 1988 for the production of modern fountain pens.

Brand pages
Brand advertising
Brand photos
Instructions sheet
Other documents


The Ancora date of foundation is not known with certainty and there are conflicting versions.[1] According to A. Lambrou, it was founded in 1909 by Giuseppe Zanini, in Sesto Calende, on the shores of the Lago Maggiore, but it is not known from which source Lambrou infers such a distant date; on the company's official website, although sources are not indicated again, the origin of the company was reported to 1919 in Bologna,[2] which is consistent with what has been indicated by others.[3] Finally, some invoces from 1941 are showing the claim Casa fondata nel 1902, but this almost certainly refers to the begininng of Zanini commercial activities, not to Ancora foundation. According to reports from the founder's grandson, in fact, Zanini together with his wife Ester Marzari ran an emporium in Schio (Vicenza) where they sold everything including stationery, and it is likely that the starting year listed in said invoice refers to this.

Ancora initial history is quite clouded, we know for sure that Zanini began its activities in the field of writing articles in Bologna, where apparently he was in contact with Armando Simoni (founder of OMAS) and where there are traces of his activities dating back to 1918.[4] In 1920 he founded with a partner, Clerici, a company named Fabbrica e Commercio di Penne Stilografiche e Raffinati Oggetti per Arti Grafiche.[5] The production of these early years was not yet clearly identified by the trademark Ancora. The official website of the actual trademark holder reports the purchase of a stationery shop in Bologna and the beginning of the production of fountain pens in 1919.

The collaboration with Clerici continued until 1924, when Zanini founded his personal company, with the name Fabbrica di penne stilografiche e commercio, stampe in genere e riproduzioni opere d'arte.[6] In 1925, the activity thus far hosted in Zanini own house, was moved to Sesto Calende. The Ancora trademark (Reg. Gen. N. 40112) was indeed registered only in 1929. In the mid-1930s Zanini moved to Arona and with the collaboration of his children (Alfredo, Maria, Adele, Giuseppe, Franco, Antonio) began construction of a new factory; the headquarters were moved to Arona in 1938. In the early 1940s with the death of the founder (which occurred on 7/7/1940), the sons continued the activities and in about 1950 Alfredo took over the management, acquiring the brand and continuing the activities until 1975, when the company closed.

An Ancora advertisement from '50 for the Lusso model.

Unfortunately Ancora models history is highly clouded, because there are no catalogs or model listings. The Ancora initial production consisted of relatively conventional pens with the classic safety filler. They were made in chased hard rubber, but some luxury model were produced with gold filled overlays; these were usually made in 18k gold plated metal, some full gold models have been found, but apparently silver was never used. Typically, these overlays are marked with the Ancora name in uppercase letters at the bottom of the cap, but some have the company logo, an anchor, in blue over white enamel on the top of the cap. The same decoration can be found also on the hard rubber models.

Since the '20s the Ancora branded safeties were joined by the sub-brand Rapid, that remained in production until about the '40s. This sub-brand was associated only with pens made with precious metal overlay, that were marked with the name Rapid and the letters "G.Z." within a diamond on the cap. The nib was still marked Ancora or Warranted with an engraving of an anchor and the initials "G.Z." Whitin this line, especially in the '30s, have been designed some overlay with the most refined and elegant decorations of that time.

Around 1930 Ancora produced the first celluloid models, clearly inspired by the Parker Duofold, with hard rubber black ends, a ball clip and button filler. These models were produced in two sizes, using marbled, black or single colored celluloid. They were soon followed by other models with slightly tapered end, produced in a colorful celluloid; now these early celluloid model are very rare and highly sought by collectors.

In the first years of '30s Ancora introduced a new top model, the Duplex a more streamlined lever filler pen, produced in four different sizes: lady, medium, senior and oversize. The Duplex had a wheel clip (like the one used on the first Doric models), with three cap rings on the bottom of the cap, one on the top and other two rings on the barrel: one just under the cap and at the other at the end. All finishes were gold plated, and the nib was 14k gold. There are also alternate versions, with button filler, a ball clip, with a single ring on the bottom of the cap and different celluloid patterns and colors produced in just three sizes, but all have the anchor logo and the words Duplex marked on the body of the pen.

In the late '30s two new models, called Da-Ma and Maxima were produced. They were high quality pens made in many beautiful colors, using also a laminated transparent celluloid similar to the one used on the Vacumatic. The pens were equipped with an innovative plunger vacuum filling system, with a gold plated roller clip and three cap rings. The difference between the two model was that Maxima was rounded when the Da-Ma was faceted, like a Doric (or an Omas Extra). The Da-Ma, was also produced in a lever filler version, and in four sizes, when the Maxima only had two sizes, it also had a two-tone nib featuring the logo of the anchor.

Launched by a large advertising campaign, the Da-Ma model was a good selling success, but the filling system, as it was innovative, proved to be very fragile from a mechanical point of view. Many pens went back to the factory, where the filling system was changed to a button filler, losing the transparency of the pen body.

During the same period Ancora produced other models in celluloid, with the more common lever or button filler. Sold at a lowest price relative to Da-Ma, they still were high quality pens, equipped with three cap rings and a different clip with a three folded lion foot shaped end. There is no a known name for these models, which were produced with gold or chrome finishes; the latter (produced from the late '30s to the early 40s) were associated with steel nibs, made of an alloy called Zanio

An Lusso advertisement from '50.

After the war the Lusso model was introduced. It was a torpedo shaped pen, and also the clip reminded the same shape and had the anchor logo on it inside an enameled oval. The Lusso was produced in four sizes, and made with transparent ringed celluloid in many different colors. The cap was decorated with tree ring, but some models were made with a gold plated or laminated cap, decorated with a top celluloid inlaid. There also produced some alternate lever filler model in a variety of marbled, veined or rolled colors.

Alongside the Lusso models were also introduced some lower prices lever filler models, always celluloid made, produced in many different marbled, veined or ringed colors, with a straight clip and a single ring on the cap. Were also produced some more traditional models, always in celluloid, equipped with lever filler, piston filler or button filler loading system.

In the late '40s Ancora, trying to follow the Parker 51 success, introduced an hooded nib pen, called Calamus. It was a piston filler pen with the same shape and finishes of the Lusso, produced in four different sizes in full metal or with metal cap and plastic body with four different colors: black, gray, burgundy and blue. There were two version of the pen, with a partially covered nib and an gold filled overlaid section, and with fully covered nib. The cap was still made in gold-plated metal with a celluloid inlay in the top, while the body was engraved with the name of the model. The first Calamus models were produced having an enameled logo on the clip. During all the '50s Ancora continued also to produce traditional celluloid models.

There are also two Ancora sub-brands; the first one is the Rapid, a name which was used only for safety models produced with precious metal overlays. The second one is the Goliarda a name that the the company used for the production dedicated to the student market; these are generally inexpensive pens, but still elegant and quite good on construction, produced from back to the '20s. They were always marked Goliarda, the first safety model were only marked Goliarda - Marchio Depositato with no reference to Ancora, later models used the anchor logo.

During '50s and '60s, the company, like almost all fountain pen manufacturers, underwent a steady decline as it was hardly hit by the crisis due to the introduction of the ballpoint pen. Ancora continued to produce some piston filler plastic models, however its fountain pens never reached the success of its best years, and in 1975 the company ceased operations.

Model list

The table below lists pages devoted to Ancora models, with a production start date and a discontinuation date; keep in mind, however, that in many cases these dates, particularly the discontinuation date, may simply be indicative.

 Production startedProduction ended
Modelli iniziali Ancora19181930
Ancora Flat-top19291937
Ancora Duplex19331945
Ancora Serie 419371955
Ancora Serie 2419371955
Dama e Maxima19371955
Ancora Lusso19481955


Year Event
1918 Giuseppe Zanini opens an activity named Arti Grafiche - Giuseppe Zanini, is the origin of the company
1920 Giuseppe Zanini founds the Fabbrica e Commercio di Penne Stilografiche e Raffinati Oggetti per Arti Grafiche
1924 Giuseppe Zanini establish his Fabbrica di penne stilografiche e commercio, stampe in genere e riproduzioni opere d'arte
1925 the company carries the production to Sesto Calende
1927 the company introduces the Rapid sub-brand for safety with precious metal overlays (guess date[7])
1929 first known trademark registration (Reg. Gen. N. 40112) for Ancora
1930 the company introduces celluloid models (guess date)
1933 the company introduces the Ancora Duplex [8]
1937 the company introduces the Maxima (guess date, coincident with the trademark registration, Reg. Gen. N. 56843)
1937 the company introduces the Da-Ma (guess date, coincident with the trademark registration, Reg. Gen. N. 56845)
1938 the company carries the production to Arona[9]
1948 the company introduces the Ancora Lusso (guess date, from the oldest advertisement found)
1949 the company introduces the Calamus (guess date, stands for the end of '40s)
1975 the company ceases operations

External references

  • [1] An old page by Letizia Jacopini
  • [2] History section (deleted, and without the documents initially present) of the official site.
  • [3] A statement by Giuseppe Zanini's grandson who also clarifies the reason for the two surnames.


  1. in addition to its foundation date, another point that has long remained uncertain regarding the company's origins is the surname of its founder as well documents in which the surname Zannini, with two n's, as well as the simple Zanini have been found; various hypotheses have been put forward, but the answer was provided directly by Zanini's nephew, who tells how this change was obtained by the court, and made because of homonymy with a well-known gangster of the time.
  2. but the company's website was not very reliable, there was a big error in the Zanini birth date, badly transcribed in 1897 when the birth certificate posted on the website (no more present) showed the correct date of 1879, also present in the start of activities registration.
  3. The main reference is, however, the Letizia Jacopini book in which various documentary evidences are reported.
  4. in the Letizia Jacopini book La storia della stilografica in Italia 1900-1950 is published a report of start of activities for the Arti Grafiche - Giuseppe Zanini dated February 22, 1918, and in his intervention Zanini's nephew indicates that Zanini moved to Bologna during World War I, meeting, and perhaps collaborating, with Armando Simoni.
  5. meaning Factory and commerce of fountain pens and fine objects for graphic arts.
  6. meaning Factory for fountain pens, prints and art reprints.
  7. all dates referring to features or models introduction for the Ancora pens are guessed and marked as such, because there are no catalogs or listings with clear data; so the cited year is always an approximation, referring to a wider time period (with two year less or more than the used value).
  8. from trademark registration.
  9. date is taken from an article published on "Illustrazione Italiana", in an insert dedicated to autarkic productions, published as supplement to N. 17 of 1938, which reported the news that the production in the new plant in Arona would be starting in days.