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Definizione del messaggio (Aurora)

Model list

The table below lists pages devoted to Aurora models, with a production start date and a discontinuation date; keep in mind, however, that in many cases these dates, particularly the discontinuation date, may simply be indicative.

 Production startedProduction ended
Modelli iniziali Aurora19191938
Aurora Duplex19271935
Olo Lusso19311945
Serie Speciale ML19351938
Olo F19351945
Olo Gamma19351945
Topolino e Biancaneve19371945
Aurora Iridia19381945
Aurora 8819461958
Aurora 88K19531958
Aurora 88819571965
Aurora 88P19581964
Aurora 9819631970


Year Event
1919 the company is founded by Isaia Levi in Torino as Fabbrica Italiana Penne a Serbatoio Aurora
1922 the company introduces the A.R.A. that appears in the catalog, only in size 4
1922 the company publish the first catalog, with all its models: R.A., A.R.A., F.A. e F.A.S.
1922 Ettore Ripamonti becomes Aurora exclusive agent and published first catalog[1]
1923 the company introduces also the 3, 35 and 5 sizes for the A.R.A model
1924 the company introduces red and mottled hard rubber
1925 the company introduces an official clip for its pens
1926 the company introduces a R.A.2 version produced for the Touring Club Italiano
1927 the company start using celluloid (unsure[2])
1927 the company introduces the Aurora Duplex
1928 the company redesigns the Duplex model passing to whasher clip
1929 Aurora underwent restructuring and starts the Olo and Asco sub-brands
1930 the company introduces the luxury version of the Duplex with three rings, decorative ring on top of the cap and clip inlaid (date uncertain)
1930 Aurora joins Edacoto in the French market with Le Duo Moderne
1930 the company introduces the Internazionale
1930 the company introduces the Superba
1930 the company introduces the Aurora 42 a variant of Duplex with end lever filler (date uncertain)
1931 the company introduces the Olo Lusso (guess date, stands for the beginning of '30s)
1933 the company introduces the Novum [3]
1934 the company introduces the Asterope
1935 the company introduces the Olo Gamma (guess date, stands for the mid '30s)
1935 the company introduces the Olo F (guess date, stands for the mid '30s)
1935 the company introduces the Aurora ML (date uncertain[4])
1936 the company introduces the Etiopia
1936 the company restyles the Novum (uncertain date[5])
1937 the company introduces the Superna
1937 Isaia Levi founds the Sapem, Società anonima penne e matite, and and gives it ownership of the Fabbrica italiana di penne a serbatoio Aurora
1937 the company introduces the Topolino
1937 the company introduces the colored Etiopia (date uncertain, but after the introduction)
1938 the company introduces the Optima
1938 the company retires the Etiopia (date uncertain)
1939 the company introduces the Optima second version, with triangular clip
1939 the company introduces the Biancaneve
1939 the company introduces the Platiridio nibs
1939 the company introduces the Selene (following Luca De Ponti, Letizia Jacopini talks about 1940)
1940 the company introduces second Selene version
1940 the company restyles the Novum a second time (uncertain date[6])
1940 the company introduces third Optima version, with tapered clip, three rings and metal decorations on the ends
1945 Aurora plants are destroyed by a bombing
1946 the company introduces the Aurora 88 designed by Marcello Nizzoli
1948 the Sapem changes its name to Aurora S.p.A.
1953 the company introduces the Aurora 88K
1954 the company introduces the Duo-Cart
1955 the company introduces the Junior variant of the Duo-Cart
1956 the company introduces the Aurora 888
1956 the company retires the Aurora 88
1957 the company introduces the Aurora 888
1957 the company introduces the Aurora Firma
1958 the company introduces the Aurora 88P
1959 the company executes the restiling of the Aurora 888 in Aurora 888P
1959 the company introduces the Auretta
1960 the company introduces the 2cart restiling of the Duo-Cart[7]
1963 the company introduces the Aurora 98 designed by Albe Steiner
1970 the company introduces the Hastil designed by Marco Zanuso
  1. Aurora chronology, where not otherwise reported, refers to the book La storia della Aurora dal 1919 ai giorni nostri by Luca de Ponti.
  2. Luca de Ponti reports the 1927 end, Letizia Jacopini reports around 1929, a flyer for the "Esposizione di Torino" in 1928 with celluloid models leads to take as correct the first date.
  3. following De Ponti and Iacopini, Lastruccio and Lambrou (unreliable) tell 1930.
  4. L. Jacopini in La storia della stilografica in Italia talks about 1938, but G. Fichera notes that the advertizements talks about the Regno d'Italia, so they must be before 1936.
  5. using the date indicated by Luca De Ponti, Letizia Jacopini speaks of the mid '30s.
  6. indicated by Letizia Jacopini.
  7. as reported in this page.